xxx || house of euler's constant

Start from the beginning

"You're a creep," Patricia was quick to respond to this.

"How'd you even get one?" Because if she just handed it to you, then I doubt that it's hers," Joy brought up.

Fabian paused for a second, before responding, "I found it on her pillow."

"Yep. Confirmed. Fabian is a creep."

"Okay, Fabian," Eddie began, fully turning away from the lock, "Can we please focus on one matter at a time?"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry," Fabian muttered, as he slowly closed the screen of his laptop.


Jerome walked into the dining room in the morning and sat at the table beside Mara, and the opposite side to both Nina and Lavender.

"It is me, or is this house getting quieter?" He asked, pouring himself some cereal.

Fleur placed some toast on the table, then reached round and grabbed a note off the kitchen counter, "The others have already gone to college," She told him, handing him the note.

Jerome took the note, opened it, then read it in his head. Mara glanced at the note too. It read 'Fleur, We've gone over to college early. Eager to learn I guess you could say. Enjoy your day. Joy, Patricia, Eddie & Fabian.'

Jerome just nodded. He then placed the piece of paper down on the table. Then pressed his finger firmly against Joy's name, and slid it over to Fleur.


It was almost midday, and the lock was on 3671. It was Eddie's turn at the lock, and Joy, Patricia and Fabian were was revising.

"I'm bored of revising," Joy huffed, pushing her laptop away from her, "I might use this time to research the watch, seeing as the twelfth is in 3 days," She pulled the laptop back up to herself, then opened up a new internet tab.

"Maybe Miss Chase knows more about it," Fabian spoke in a perky tone.

"Oh, yeah, let's just go up to her and ask about it," Eddie spoke fake enthusiastically, swinging his body round from the lock, "Great idea, Dude. How come I never thought of that?"

"I didn't mean that we do that," Fabian stated in a serious tone, "I might be able to hack into her laptop, using mine," He then pulled his laptop closer to him and started furiously typing and clicking.

Eddie turned back to face the lock, laughing and shaking his head, "Sure..."


"Great, great, great, great, great!" Fabian shouted in sarcasm, "Don't do this to me!" He started tapping the keyboard with fury.

Patricia looked over at him from the other side of the room, Eddie brought his soda down from his mouth and looked at him, and Joy turned away from the lock and looked at him.

"What's happened?" Joy asked.

"A lot of pop ups have completely covered my screen," Fabian explained through gritted teeth, as he continued to tap at the keyboard, "And my laptop is now having a spasm."

"Press ctrl, alt, F8," Patricia told him.

Eddie quickly dropped the soda down, letting it spill. He then slid over to Fabian, "No, no, no, no, no!" He snatched Fabian's laptop off of him, "There's a potentiality that will wipe your whole laptop!"

"No it doesn't," Patricia walked over to them, "Trust me, it fixes problems."

"Trust ME, It will wipe everything."

"No, doing anything else will wipe it. The only thing that can fix it is ctrl, alt, F8."

"Patricia, I know this."

Sibuna Sacrifice // House of Anubis Season 4Where stories live. Discover now