v || house of reuniting

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"Sibuna!" They all chanted in unison.


"We can't live in this house, Dad, part of it is burnt. Please, please let us go to Anubis," Eddie begged, on the phone to Mr. Sweet.

"No, Edison," Mr. Sweet replied, "I am running a school here, not a college."

"But dad!" Eddie continued to plead.

Mara, Patricia and Fabian all sat on Eddie's bed, watching Eddie on the phone

"You are always saying we need to spend more time together, and being here at this college doesn't mean that we will see that much of each other," Eddie said, bring up a good point.

"I just don't see how this will work," Mr. Sweet spoke from the other end of the line.

"Where else would we get education, I do want to keep my brain active and my grades up," Eddie spoke fake worriedly.

"Okay, okay, Edison, I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks, and its still and always will be Eddie," Eddie laughed, before hanging up the line.

"Well?" Fabian asked.

"I think I did it," Eddie said happily, "He will probably call me back soon."

"Great," Smiled Mara.


"You alright, Mate?" Charlie asked, walking over to Jerome who had his head buried in his hands.

"Fine," Replied Jerome blankly, not taking his head out his hands.

"Then why are you in that position?" Charlie asked, concerned.

"Joy," Jerome said blankly.

"C'mon, you're obviously not happy" Charlie continued, getting the wrong view of what Jerome was saying.

"No, I didn't mean that. Joy, my girlfriend, she decided that a long distance relationship wasn't really working out," Jerome explained, sadly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know," Charlie apologised.

"That's okay," Jerome muttered.

"Hey, Jerry, you okay?" Asked Eddie, jumping on the sofa.

"Joy... Broke up with me," Jerome murmured, informing Eddie.

"I'm sorry, Dude" Said Eddie, softly, "I'm sure things will work out."

"Thanks, Miller" Jerome responded.

Eddie's phone then rang, "Sorry," Apologised Eddie, standing up to answer the phone, "Hi, Dad..."


"Are you ever going to leave our room?" Patricia asked Fabian, "How can you like it in here, it is all burnt and ruined."

"Hey! Patricia, Fabian is being helpful, what are you doing?" Mara defended Fabian.

"Waiting for Fabian to leave," Patricia grunted.

"Guys!" Eddie burst into the room, "Guess what?!"

"Your Dad has let us return to Anubis?" Fabian asked hopefully, standing up.

"Yep," Smiled Eddie excitedly, "He told us that we need to bring Fleur too, as Trudy is taking care of other house, with younger students."

"So we are doing lessons there right?" Mara clarified.

"Yeah, he has made half the school into a college, and kept the other half the same," Eddie explained.

"Good" Mara spoke, relieved.

Sibuna Sacrifice // House of Anubis Season 4Where stories live. Discover now