Chapter Sixty-Three: The Eigth Clan

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-Jan 3, 9:00 AM, Main Gates, Haruno Compound-

Naruto stood nervously at the Main Gate of the new Haruno Compound, the Grand Opening had been delayed because of the incident with Kurenai and Kumo, so he'd used the extra time to scan Sakura's mind for new ideas and found a few things he could add. One of the things he loved about Sakura was she was organized, and even had a dozen possible floor plans for her new Haruno Compound and additions as their numbers grew, all in her head. She was fully prepared for the next fifty years. He looked at Sakura and her family as they stood there nervously, all their friends behind them. "In case you haven't heard yet, as of Eight o'clock this morning the Haruno are now a recognized Clan of Konoha. Sakura-chan is officially listed as it's Founder and first Clan Head. Sakura-chan will hold this position for one year while she gets everything established, at that time she will decide if she wants to stay Haruno Clan Head or become Sakura Namikaze and cut all official ties as a Haruno, but no matter what, the Namikaze and Haruno Clans are forever linked as allies and family."

Almost everyone whispered among themselves a few moments, except Sakura who wiped a single tear from her right cheek and gave Naruto a subtle nod.

"As Head of the newest Clan of Konoha, Sakura-chan would you please come forward and open the Gates." Naruto said and waited for Sakura to get close. "Wait... I almost forgot something." Naruto turned, seemed to grab the huge metal gates as if they were cloth... which it turned out to be as he yanked a big black blanket off of it to reveal the image of a pink fox sitting under a Cherry tree, rolled it up in his arms and tossed it aside. It was caught by a kitsune who'd suddenly appeared, was there just long enough to catch it and then vanished. "The new Haruno Clan Symbol, created by Sakura-chan. It opens just like mine." Naruto said then stepped aside.

Sakura smiled at Naruto, stepped up and put her right hand on the Cherry tree image in the middle, it glowed a moment, then there were the sounds of locks opening and it popped open slightly, inward. Sakura gave the massive doors a shove and they swung open. Sakura went in with Naruto close behind, then her family and finally her friends.

"So what do you think Sakura-chan... do you like it?" Naruto said happily.

Sakura stared in awe at what she saw. There was a huge, two story Mansion that almost crossed the Compound, between the sides of the house and the outer walls were bushes. That was only part of it, to get to the house you had to cross the one acre front grounds divided by a stone walkway from the Main Gate to the front door. In the center of each half acre was a twenty foot Cherry tree that was the official symbol of the Haruno Clan. The outer walls of the home were red with pink trim, the front door was green, and the roof had the classic red shingles.

The Haruno women cried happily.

"I LOVE IT!" Nine year old Wataame Haruno yelled happily, restrained only by the grip of her mother from running away.

"Calm down sweety." Haname told her youngest daughter.

"I left it open so you can put in what you want Sakura-chan, let me know if you need anything." Naruto said and waited a moment for everyoe to settle down. "If everyone is ready I'll show you the inside."

As she followed her daughter across the front grounds of her new home Sakari firmly squeezed the hand in her left and felt her new girlfriend squeeze back. Sakari glanced at the twenty-five year old kunoichi that was now the love of her life, and still couldn't believe she was dating the beautiful ANBU Yuugao Uzuki. "It's alright, you don't have to be nervous. It's been almost four years, you aren't dishonoring his memory, he'd want you to move on with your life and be happy... don't I make you happy Yuu-chan?"

Yuugao winced very subtly, she knew Sakari was right, Hayate Gekkou was not the type of person that would want her to mourn him the rest of her life. "I'm sorry Sakari-chan, I haven't been with anyone since he was killed in the invasion, I should have more control as an ANBU, but showing my feelings in public is hard... and I do love you Sakari-chan." Yuugao said then leaned over and kissed Sakari on the lips, she ignored the quiet giggles from around her.

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