Chapter Forty-Eight: Council Meeting

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Most of you are confused as to why there is no Chapter 47 in this fanfic and I checked it out for you all!! It turns out that Wattpad has blocked it because of the sexual content. To fill you in in what happened it was Naruto, Sakura, Tsunade and Tayuyas first night as husband and wives 😏

-October 10, 8:00 AM, Namikaze Mansion-

Naruto woke to a passionate kiss, when it broke he opened his eyes, saw the very happy face of Hinata and smiled. "Morning Hina-chan."

"Happy birthday Naru-kun." Hinata said with a big smile, her face almost glowed.

"Happy birthday Naruto-kun!" Four female voices happily said in unison.

Naruto sat up and Hinata stood up, she was next to the bed in her light blue kimono. He smiled at the four very happy women. "Good morning Sakura-chan, Tayuya-chan, Tsunade-chan, Shizune-chan... not that I mind, but what are you doing in my bedroom?" Naruto then whipped off the blankets as he turned and hopped off the bed... only wearing his wedding ring and Tsunade's necklace.

Shizune blushed bright red and gasped. "Oh Kami, Naruto you're..." Shizune said then quickly wiped away the little bit of blood from her nose.

Tsunade playfully elbowed Shizune. "You should see him when he's arroused..."

Shizune blushed very bright red and clamped her hand over Tsunade's mouth. "Tsunade-chan please stop!" Shizune closed her eyes and took several deep breaths to calm herself. "Naruto-kun, please put something on before I do something very inappropriate."

Naruto chuckled, went to his dresser, chose and slipped on his underwear and a pair of loose black shorts. "Okay Shizune-chan, you can look now."

Shizune opened her eyes and mostly relaxed, her face was still pink. "First Naruto-kun I want to welcome you back from your honeymoon. Second, I checked each of them thoroughly this morning and sent a report to the hospital and Council... congratulations, it's official, they're all pregnant!" Shizune said happily then hugged Tsunade.

All four women knew already, as kitsune they knew the moment they get pregnant, and Naruto, as the Alpha Male of the Kitsune clan, though not counted as a summon by the contract, could chose if he wanted to make a woman pregnant or not.

Naruto walked over to them with a huge smile on his face and joined in a group hug. "This is SOOO COOL, I can't wait to be a daddy!" Naruto said happily.

Shizune stepped out of the group hug, her smile faded slightly. "I hate to spoil the mood, but the Council has called a meeting at Nine o'clock."

"Everyone?" Naruto asked, then his shoulders dropped when Shizune nodded. "Isn't there some way to get those three off the Council Tsunade-chan? Even after everything I've done for this village those two fossils Koharu and Homura still don't trust me... and that one-eyed, one-armed war monger Danzou... he knows we know he's still running Root illegally, he just wants to use me as a weapon and to make his own personal army." Naruto said, annoyed.

Tsunade sighed. "I know Naruto-kun, and I understand how you feel, but as Hokage I can't do anything without proof, I can't even accuse them of anything officially without solid proof and you know it as well as I do." Tsunade said, then a devious smile curled her lips. "Danzou we'll have to dig something up on, he's a clever bastard, but I think we can turn this meeting to our advantage and get rid of Koharu and Homura today... all nice and legal."

Shizune sighed. "Tsunade-sama, what's going on in that mind of yours... and is there something I can do to help?" Shizune said with a devious smirk.

They looked at Shizune a moment, slightly shocked, then smiled.

"Here's my idea..." Tsunade said then started to explain her idea.

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