"Hey, you two!" Nina cut us off. "Shut up and finish your looks. The breakfast's in ten minutes."

I took some bracelets and a necklace on, completing my look with removing a tie. I smile at myself, then quickly frown. I can't smile before 9am. I can't even trust anyone who smiles before 9am!

I grabbed my green backpack and made my way to the dining-hall with Nina and Ellie. Everybody seemed to be having fun. Everybody. Was I the first not-morning-person attending this school?

After filling my stomach we went to the school, arriving 15 minutes earlier the first bell.

Ellie and Nina rushed somewhere, leaving me lost in the school mazes.

"Zoe!" I heard someone yell and I turned to see Clary coming towards me. I felt so relieved I had a guide.

"Hey," I said and politely smiled.

"Hey. How are you doing?"

"Um, sleepy and lazy. You?"

"The same. Except I'm not sleepy."

"Why is it? It's not even 8!"

She chuckled, "I know. So, the first class of ours is English."

"Is it?"

"Yep. Let's go," she grabbed my arm and led me somewhere. After five minutes we were standing in front of a door that said 417, Mrs Punch. We entered the class, seeing 12-14 desks and two people except us. She introduced me to everyone that was entering the classroom, like I remembered at least one. Soon, Mrs. Punch joined us and the bell rang. She needed no effort, the class was already perfectly quiet, with Clary next to me.

"Hello, girls!" Mrs. Punch cheered up. She was in her middle 50ies, low and obese, with her circle-shaped glasses fitting weirdly on her nose.

"Hello, Mrs. Punch," the class said and I only cought up to the last letters.

"I wanted to introduce you our new students, class! Let's meet Annabel Meredith Jane Hopes."

The blonde-braided girl stood up. She was nothing like pretty. Braces even worsened the situation.

"Lucinda Marie Williams," Mrs. Punch then said. Lucinda was a brunette girl, pretty enough, but her eyes. She had those weird eyes when you don't understand what makes them look this ugly, they just are ugly. "And lastly, Zoe Louise Millery." Then I stood up, forcefully smiled and sat back.

I nervously glanced at Clary, seeing her lifting her thumbs, relaxing me a little. To be honest I had no idea what made me nervous, it just felt like I didn't belong here, like I was a third wheel. Like this school was nothing like the place I had to be in. I had the panic setting through. But then I remembered I was gonna see Billy today, so I quickly calmed down.

"Before starting our lesson, I wanted to tell you about the events of the school," the teacher spoke warmly, "for the new stundents we decided to have a little play in the near future."

A play? Really?

"Every single new student has to attend castings for a play. For the old ones it depends on you, you can attend, or not attend. But for new students this is a duty."

Damn, I'm screwed. I honestly hate plays, but on the other hand it could be a great distraction, so maybe... maybe I will try it.

"The play will be in one of the classes, we are currently choosing the biggest," she said, "this is going to be Cinderella play."

Cinderella. You got to be kidding me- ohh wait! I need a charming prince, I need a boy!

I raised my hand.

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