How I wished this morning never came. But the alarm clock woke me up at 7am to get ready for the drive. I quickly showered, changed my clothes and ate breakfast. At 8am I heard the door bell. Billy.

"Hey," I said as I opened the door.

"Hey," he said and hugged me.

"You coming today?" I asked in his shoulder.

"Of course, Zo."

"Okay. I still have to pack."

"You haven't packed yet?"

"Nope. I was busy trying to waste the last week of my life in fun."

"Okay, I'll help you."

We went upstairs, at my room and I was very thankful for his help, since I had to be ready in an hour. We filled one giant suitcase and one huge bag (really huge. Just a tiny bit smaller than the suitcase.)

"That's it, I think," I said, zipping the bag.

"Yea. And we still have twenty minutes."

"I offer pop corn."

"I bet."

"Okay. I'll be there in a minute," I said and went to the kitchen. He was sitting on my bed with his head dropped when I entered. I sat next to him, putting pop corn on the nightstand.

"I can't believe you're moving, Zo," he quietly said.

"So do I," I answered and rested my head on his shoulder. He turned to me and gave me a huge bear hug, I hugged him back. "I'll miss you," I whispered.

"I will, too. I'll be there on monday, okay?"


After five minutes we both let go, eating pop corn.

"Zoe?" I heard my mom, yelling.

"Yea?" I yelled back.

"Be ready in 10 minutes, we'll go," she said, coming in my room.

"Actually, I wanted Billy to drive me," I said.


"What you heard. We planned this over a week ago."

"You don't want us to drive you?"


"Are you still angry?"

"Of course, I am!"


"No," I cut her off. "I don't wanna hear it."

And she just left.

"Why is she doing this?" I said as I closed the door behind her, because of her leaving it open.

"She thinks it's better," Billy answered.

"Yea, she's wrong. I have to be at Lestrade Academy at 10. What's o'clock?"


"Let's go?"

"Uh huh."

We took my baggage and sat in his car.

"How often will you be able to exit the pension?" Billy asked in the middle-way.

"Always, but I have to register. Write down in the book when and where I went."

"That sucks."

"Ugh, I know."

I had so many colorful words about that school, but I held them in me.

We didn't talk a lot in the way, just listened loudly to our favourite music ever.



Wassup? Liked? I hope so. It's still the beginning, after all. The main things will happen there, in the Lestrade Academy.

I appreciate opinion of the each one of you, so if you have one, please, let me know!

I could talk more about Zoe's last week, but I just wanted her to arrive at the Lestrade Academy quickly. I have patience the size of my love for school. Zero. Even though my mother carried me in the belly for 10 months. Okay, why the hell did I even write that? Doesn't matter. Oh just get the fact that I'm weird!

Billy's pic on the side!

If there are any typos, I'll fix them, but I might miss some, so take my apologies.

Okay, umm that's all I wanted to say!


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