Chapter 24

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Here's a list of songs to listen to while you read this! (Small Bump is on the side)

1. These Four Walls- Little Mix

2. Small Bump- Ed Sheeran

3. Angel- Sara Mclachlan

4. Daughters- John Mayer

Zayn's POV

By the time Liam had arrived at our house, Eve was absolutely hysterical and panicked. I didn't know what to do in order to calm her down besides hold her in my arms. It's hard to comfort someone when you're in the same boat as them. I had to physically pick her up in my arms and carry her into the car as she sobbed and cried, words not even coming together in a sentence.

All I could say to Liam was to meet us at the hospital when I called him, my hands trembling in their grip around the steering wheel.

The car ride to the hospital was not silent, but filled with the cries of two people who were grieving, two people who were caught off guard. My brain felt like it was ready to explode as I tried to keep my thoughts together.

Eve didn't speak, she didn't move, and when we arrived at the hospital she made no exceptions. I had to carry her dead weight inside and get a wheelchair for her, nearly screaming at the nurses at hand that it was an emergency.

"Please!" I shouted. "My wife is pregnant and bleeding!" I didn't even recognize my own voice. It sounded like pure desperation and turmoil.

Within a few minutes, nurses were getting Eve into a wheel chair while I followed their trail to the lift. Eve sat there like a vegetable, tears flooding down her face but no expression. Seeing her like that was worse than seeing her crying and screaming. She knew what was happening, what the outcome of this day would be. And it already put her into a state of depression.

Liam's POV

"Hi Uncle Liam." Aiden greeted me with a giant smile on his face when I joined him in the garden. It broke my heart to think about how he would react when he found out what happened to his little sibling.

"Hi buddy." I gave him the best smile I could.

"Where's Auntie Dani?" He asked.

"She's at home getting some rest." I told him. I left the house without waking her, partly because I was in a rush and mostly because I wasn't exactly sure what was happening. She didn't need the extra stress.

"Have you come to play with me?" Aiden furrowed his eyebrows, showing me a worm that he dug out from the soil.

I nodded. "It looks like you've started without me."

"This is my first worm of the day." He explained. "I try to find as many as I can and then make them a family. I'll name this one Joseph."

"Joseph? Why Joseph?"

"Because that's his name." Aiden replied matter-of-factly.

"Joseph it is." I shrugged. "Let's find some more worms."

Zayn's POV

Eve was rushed to the emergency room instead of being placed in a regular private room. I was very forcefully told to wait in the waiting room, assured that someone would come out to keep me updated on what was going on with my wife.

I kept my head in between my knees as I waited, trying not to let myself have some sort of panic attack in the middle of the hospital waiting room. There was so much pressure in my head that I basically squeezed the tears out of my eyes. I went through periods of emotions where I would feel anger, then I would feel sadness, and jealousy towards Liam and Danielle, but it was all grief.

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