Chapter 23

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Eve's POV

Sleeping without Zayn was actually torture physically and mentally. I tossed and turned all throughout the night, completely unable to get comfortable without his arms around me.

Even the baby seemed to be leaving me alone, not even kicking me to make me feel less lonely. I could hear Aiden's giggles from across the house earlier. It sounded like they were having a ball while I laid down in a half empty bed.

I wondered how long our space thing would go on before I went crazy. It was lonely, more than lonely really. It was grueling. The only thing keeping me going was the episode of Sherlock that played on the TV, distracting me from my worries. My eyes were glued to the screen as John and Sherlock went back and forth in a way that only they could.

I grew sleepier and sleepier as time went on, but being asleep didn't mean I wasn't thinking about my husband.

He filled my dreams, along with Aiden and the new baby. In my dreams the baby looked exactly like Zayn when he was a baby. The only thing that separated the two was the pink outfit she wore with flowers and ruffles all over it.

In my dream, Zayn was giving Aiden a piggy back ride while I pushed our new baby in her stroller. Zayn kept calling her Amelia while Aiden kept calling her Aiden. Zayn had Alfie on his leash while the five of us strolled around an unknown place. If I had to describe it in one word, I'd use euphoric.

"I love you Daddy." Aiden said.

"And I love you." Zayn replied with a smile.

"And I love little Amelia too." He added.

"How come you don't love Mummy anymore?" Aiden frowned.


"What? That's not true, honey." I interrupted but they didn't even seem to notice. They acted as if I didn't exist.

Zayn began to explain but as his mouth moved, I couldn't hear any of the words coming out of it.

My heart got heavy as I watched my husband, my son, and our dog stroll away while my feet stayed cemented to the ground. Soon enough I couldn't move a muscle.

The last thing that happened before I woke up was watching Amelia drift away in her stroller. And I was completely alone.

Zayn's POV

To be honest it was really nice to have Aiden around. I couldn't even imagine how depressed I'd be if I was left alone like Eve. Alfie and Aiden were snuggled up in the blankets on one end of couch while I stayed curler up on the other. There was a quiet sound coming from the TV that lit our otherwise dark faces. I had some kind of channel for kids on for Aiden so the only thing entertaining me was watching him.

A seemingly permanent smile was etched onto his face as some character leapt around on the screen. Seeing him so amused because of a show on teli reminded me of when I was a kid. When I wasn't famous or any different from the kid next door. I wanted him to be able to have a normal life without cameras constantly being shoved in his face, and to be able to have a private life.

"Daddy, when is mummy going to have our baby?" Aiden asked out of the blue. I loved how he called the baby 'our baby'.

"In a little bit more than half of the year." I answered. "Our baby will be here sooner than you think."

"I hope so." He said. "I want to change diapers."

I chuckled to myself as he went on and on about how much fun it would be to change diapers just lke Rita's daughter did to her dolls.

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