Chapter 9

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A/n: Guys!! I'm such a mess right now. I'm having so much anxiety and depression and I'm so stressed and frustrated and I think I might explode soon.
Somehow I got lice and I had to take my extension out, which makes me look awful and this is right before I'm going to the 1D concert. I feel so ugly on top of the fact that my body is awful and yeah.
And my mom had to leave again even though she only came home for 4 days. I feel so abandoned and alone.
I know it could be so so so much worse but it doesn't change what I feel right now.
Please send your prayers my way because I really need them.

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Eve's POV

"Zayn I want you to just read it." I pled , shoving the letter from Andrew in his face. After reading it, I chased after Zayn and found him looking angry and stressed in our bedroom.


Without answering, I passed it to him in hopes that he would just let himself read it. But it looked like he had no intention of doing that.

"Please." I sighed and say next to Zayn on the edge of the bed. He only stood up and looked me right in the eyes.

"I love you." He started firmly. "I love you so much and this prick took five years just to send a letter, now here we are and you're asking me to give it a chance."

"First of all, it wasn't you that he hurt." I cut in.

"But he hurt you, which is ten times worse. If this is his way of asking for custody or trying to get you back-"

"It's neither of those things, Zayn." My voice came out almost like a whimper. The face I looked at was angry, yes, but it looked even more fearful. Fearful that after all of this time, all of these experiences we've been though together, I would pack my things up and crawl right back to him just because of a letter that didn't even say much of anything other than 'congratulations on your life and sorry for what I did to you.'

That was one of Zayn's flaws. He didn't have very many flaws, but the few that existed were virtually impossible to ignore. He got jealous over the most microscopic things, and would allow himself to get worked up about it until he realized the reality of the situation. In a way, it kind of made me feel like he didn't trust me. But in another way, it was the sweetest thing in the world.

"Read the letter. I'm not going anywhere. I would never leave you, not even if Ryan Gosling himself came to our doorstep." Trying to add a bit of humor did not end up being in my favor as I just received a glare from Zayn. "Now I'll sit here and stare at you in the creepiest way possible until you read it."

I felt like I was eighteen again; pregnant and demanding.

So I began to stare at him with the most unattractive face I could pull, forcing myself to hold it while he still refused to read the stupid letter from Andrew. It was only then that I realized how silly this was. If Zayn wanted to be angry and jealous that was his choice.

"You know what, fine. Don't read it." I said. After getting up and reaching into his front pocket, I fished the car keys out and walked away. It was time to get Aiden, I decided.

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