Chapter 14

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With a week until the wedding, a four year old boy to look after, loads of friends and family constantly around, a dog to take care of, and paparazzi following our every move, Zayn and
I were doing considerably well.

The plans were all set and ready to go, which was a relief, but it didn't really take away from the overall stress I was feeling.

Zayn's family were staying in our house so I had to be a proper hostess to them while doing the things I would normally have to do as a mum. Of course Trisha was a massive help and so was everyone else, but it was all a bit much for me.

As I hustled to the other end of the house to get Aiden's juice from the kitchen, I was stopped by a pair of arms latching onto my hips to hold me firmly in my place. Turning my head with a frustrated frown, I saw my soon to be husband in front of me.

"Zayn I need to go get-"

I was stopped in the middle of my sentence by his hand covering my mouth.

"Stop for a second, okay?" His honey colored eyes bored into mine and I began to relax immediately.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply, waiting for him to continue.

"I know you're under loads of stress at the moment but please slow down. Stop and smell the roses." Then he pulled a bouquet of roses out of nowhere and handed them to me.

A giant smile slid onto my face. "Could you be any more cheesy?"

"Uh, no, I don't think I could." Zayn actually seemed to contemplate it which made me chuckle.

"Thank you very much." I said before bringing my lips to his for a small kiss.

I appreciated his gesture, but the fact that I had to find a vase for the roses was just one more thing added to my list. Speaking of which, I had to get Aiden his juice. As I started to walk away, I was stopped once again.

"Where are you going?" Zayn's eyebrows furrowed a bit.

"To get Aiden's juice and then to his room to give it to him. Then I need to check on your parents to see if I can get them anything, and then your sisters. I'll also need to tidy up and find a vase for these wonderful flowers that my dashing fiancée has just given me."

"Why don't you relax and let me do all of that?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Because you're Zayn and you should just stand where the light hits you best and look pretty."

"Bugger off." Zayn muttered, walking away.

"Hey! I was joking!" I called after him. It would be an absolute lie to say that he wasn't useful.

Instead of chasing after my dramatic fiancée, I continued on with what I had been doing before, getting Aiden's juice out of the fridge while checking on the Maliks to see if they needed anything- which they insisted they didn't- and got back to Aiden who was doing a puzzle in his room.

"Here you go, honey." I said as I handed him the sippy cup.

"Thank you." He replied in a kind of dismissive way that made me shake my head. Something that worried me was that he was very used to playing by himself. I didn't want him to grow up without many friends like I did.

"Aid, why don't you go play with your Aunties?"

He shrugged. "I want to do a puzzle all by myself."

I frowned. "What happens when you have a little brother or sister and you don't get to be by yourself most of the time?"

Aiden didn't seem to really like that idea so much, which worried me until he spoke. "If I have a brother or a sister I won't ever want to be by myself. "

I smiled to myself and stood up. "Should I send Alfie in here to keep you company for now?"

"Okay." He agreed, eyes focused on his puzzle. I loved the way his hair started to get curly when he grew it out. We were waiting until the night before the wedding to cut his hair so it would be freshly cut.

What a crazy thing to be able to say I'd be married within a week? The rehearsal dinner was in six days, the wedding in seven, and then in eight days Zayn and I would be off on our honeymoon while Aiden and Alfie stayed with Liam and Danielle for a week.

If you had stopped me five years ago and told me this would be my life, I'd laugh in your face.

*6 days later*

"Hello everyone, I just wanted to thank you all for coming to our rehearsal dinner and being part of our wedding ceremony. Each and every one of you mean a lot to Zayn and I so the fact that you're all together for such a special moment in our lives means everything to us." I smiled sweetly and sat back down after my small speech. All of our close friends and family were sat at a long table for the rehearsal dinner. Zayn and I sat on the end of one side with Aiden and his parents sat at the end of the other.

Sitting at the table with my dearest friends and family along with Zayn's was more than special. It was surreal. I wore a beautiful peach colored dress that seemed to be made specially for my body while Zayn and Aiden both wore matching suits.

The boys all sat in spread out places with their friends, girlfriends, or wives. My lovely bridesmaids were all there in beautiful dresses as well.

The restaurant was private, beautiful, and the food was incredible. Of course helicopters flew over us with absolutely no subtlety at all but not even that could ruin my completely blissful mood.

Note to self, have Trisha plan everything that ever needs to be planned. She had arranged for a harp player to come and do our background music which was heavenly, and when the food came out, each plate had a Z and an E on it. Like custom made plates that must've been hard to get.

"Can you believe this is happening?" Zayn asked from beside me. He had to come close to my ear since everyone was being so loud. Especially Aiden who was yelling across the table at his Uncle Niall to 'please pass the salt'.

I shook my head. "No. I'm still not quite sure if you're real." A faint blush appeared on Zayn's cheeks that only I would notice since I spent most of my time staring at his face.

"Guess what's happening tomorrow." I grinned excitedly.

"Hmmm." Zayn played dumb."What?"

"I'm going to be your wife, and you're going to be my husband. Just like we've always wanted."

Zayn gave me an Eskimo kiss, rubbing our noses together in a slightly weird but loving way.


A/n: Ew sorry about this barely even a chapter, but school is keeping me busy.

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