Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

(a/n) My last chapter has the most votes and comments I've gotten in a while. I really miss hearing from you guys, so please vote and comment away! I need feedback!

"What are we going to do when he wakes up?" Calum asked nervously, glancing over to Luke's limp figure tied to the birch tree.

He had been asleep for almost three or four hours now. The boys were too apprehensive to untie him and wake him up for questioning, for fear that he would try to attack them again. They hadn't dared pack up their campsite and try to drag him along, either. No one wanted to volunteer to help him walk.

"I don't know," Ashton sighed in response, nursing the fire. "I'm still trying to figure out why he would attack Michael like that! I mean, he's so against killing, even when it comes to monsters, so it wouldn't make any sense for him to try to kill--"

"Ssh!" Calum hissed at him and nodded his head towards Michael, who still hadn't fully recovered from the shock of his best friend trying to stab him to death.

Michael couldn't tear his eyes away from Luke. He couldn't figure out why he would try to kill him, either. The possibilities were endless, but everything that came to mind just didn't make any sense.

"I know!" Ashton suddenly exclaimed, making Calum and Michael jump. "Maybe Luke is possessed by a monster!"

"This is Greek mythology, Ash, not Ghostbusters," Calum said curtly. "That isn't what happened."

"It's better than thinking that Luke would just randomly try to kill us because he felt like it!" the drummer snapped back.

"I'm not thinking that!"

"Then what do you think is wrong with him? He tried to kill Michael!"

"We know, mate, we all saw it! No need to keep reminding us and freaking us out!"

"Stop fighting!" Michael cried, and his friends fell silent. "Just stop. Fighting isn't going to solve anything...."

"You're right," Ashton said, lowering his voice. "I'm sorry. We have to think rationally."

"I'm sorry, too," Calum mumbled, unclenching his fists.

They all sat and thought for a while, casting Luke quick, nervous glances to make sure that he was still asleep. They had to know why he had acted that way before they could continue on their quest. What if he did it again and they couldn't stop him in time?

Calum smacked his forehead with his hand. "Oh, gods, we're such idiots."

"What?" Ashton frowned.

"The prophecy, remember? 'The musical four shall go to world's end, where one's will shall be bent'. Ugh, I'm so stupid!"

"No, we're all stupid," Michael groaned. "How come we didn't see that before?!"

"But we're not at world's end yet," Ashton protested. "Why would Luke's will be bent now?"

"Oh," Calum said in realization. "Good point."

"Well, why don't we just ask him?" Michael asked, standing. He walked over to Luke and nudged his leg slightly with his foot.

"Michael, are you crazy?!" Ashton hissed. "He tried to kill you!"

"That wasn't Luke," the guitarist shot back. "If it's true that his will is bent, it means that someone else had tried to kill us."

"Well, at least arm yourself first," Calum said, handing him the Imperial gold knife the anonymous god had given them. In his own hand he held his favorite poisonous knife. "We need to be prepared to defend ourselves if he tries to attack us again."

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