Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

(a/n) Look, do y'all want to read this story or not? If so, you've got to show me. If you like it but you're not commenting or voting or anything, I'm just going to delete it. So please let me know if I should keep this. :)

"Rachel usually likes to paint with the Muses, but you're in luck, she's here this month," Chiron said as he trotted on the green grass.

They left the big, baby blue farmhouse behind, and Calum realized that it was much bigger than he originally thought. It was four stories high, and he could've sworn someone was peering down at them from the highest window. When he blinked, the person disappeared. He hated how that kept happening to him. He shuddered, shook his head to himself, and hurried after his friends and the centaur.

"What is this place?" Ashton asked, gawking around.

"Camp Half-Blood," Chiron replied. "You'll learn more about the Greek and Roman gods and how to defend yourself from monsters here."

"Monsters?" Michael echoed.

"Rachel is probably buying new paint at the camp store," the centaur said, ignoring his loud exclamation. "Let's go."

Unlike the rest of the camp buildings, the store looked like a modern-day gift shop. Chiron had to wait outside since he was too tall for the sliding glass doors, and the four boys stayed with him. A girl with frizzy, bright red hair and paint-splattered clothes stumbled out of the store holding several clay containers.

"Hello there, Ms. Dare," Chiron said, helping her with her pots. "These are the new recruits."

"Sup?" Calum said rather feebly.

Rachel put down some of her paints and scrutinized the boys. She had several freckles on her face and no makeup, so her beauty was natural. She finally nodded to herself and walked over to them.

"I'm Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Camp Half-Blood's oracle," she introduced herself, sticking out her hand.

"I'm Michael," the guitarist said and shook it. "What's an oracle?"

"To put it simply, I spew out dooms-day prophecies about the future when you least expect it."

Michael withdrew his hand immediately and gave her a look as though she was stark mad. She only laughed. "Don't worry, I haven't had a prophecy in months ever since the great battle. When I'm not the oracle, I'm just a regular old mortal."

"Um... cool?" he said uneasily.

"Ignore him," Ashton said with a roll of his eyes. "I think that it's awesome that you're an oracle. What prophecies have you had so far? Oh, and I'm Ashton, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Ashton," Rachel said, shaking his hand briskly. "You think that I'm crazy, don't you?"

"Absolutely insane."

"Ignore him," Calum echoed. "Everything about this place is insane. I'm Calum."

"Can't argue with that logic."

"And I'm Luke," the blonde boy finished.

"He faints whenever he sees something crazy," Michael added unnecessarily.

"Shut up!" his friend growled at him.

Chiron sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "If it's alright with you, Ms. Dare, I was wondering if you could show these boys around camp. They only got here last night, so everything is new to them."

"It would be my pleasure," Rachel said with a big smile. "Don't worry, Chiron, they're in good hands. Let's go, boys."

"Can we trust her?" Ashton asked the centaur while she trotted ahead. She left her paints behind.

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