Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Calum and Luke waited outside of the Big House as their counselors met with Chiron. They didn't know what to feel, but they did know that they should be there for their new friends. They just didn't think that Mr. D would shut the door in their faces with a sneer when they tried to follow Harry and Louis inside. Now they waited alone.

"Are you feeling better?" Luke asked Calum, who was toying with his sharp knife.

"Yeah," the bassist replied absently. "I have little headaches every once in a while because of my stupid concussion, but I'll be fine. How about you?"

"What about me?"

"You've fainted three times now in a span of ten days. That's a little concerning."

Luke's face flushed slightly, and he glanced away. "It's nothing. I'm perfectly fine."

Calum scoffed. "Whatever you say."

Louis suddenly burst out of the Big House, running a hand through his unkempt hair. "Where the hell are Niall and Liam? They're supposed to be here!"

"Maybe they're sleeping in," Calum said. He put his knife away and straightened up.

"It's twelve in the afternoon, and we have to leave in about an hour, according to Chiron. Where are they?"

Harry left the Big House and stood beside Louis. "Knowing Niall, he's probably hiding. You know that we can't make him leave, Lou."

"It's his duty."

"But do we know that? The prophecy was given to them, not us!"

Harry gestured madly at Luke and Calum, who exchanged uneasy looks. They hoped to death that the prophecy wasn't about them. The bloodshed and bane of Apollo didn't sound good at all, and it most certainly didn't feel good.

Chiron was the last to leave, and he looked exhausted and slightly exasperated. "Where are Liam and Niall?"

"We're trying to figure that out," Louis huffed impatiently.

A couple seconds later, Liam came running up to the Big House, his golden disk flying behind him. He trotted up the steps and panted a bit before speaking.

"Niall isn't coming," he said.

"What do you mean?" Chiron asked calmly while Harry and Louis groaned.

"I tried getting him down, but he won't listen," Liam said desperately. "He's just sitting on top of Zeus' cabin, and he's cursed it or something so that anyone who comes within twenty feet of it gets electrocuted. It's ridiculous!"

"It's ingenious," Louis corrected him. "Stupid Hermes doesn't have powers like that. Then again, I could probably travel very far away from here."

"You boys are being stubborn," Chiron scolded them. "You must go on this quest. It's your destiny."

Before he could continue, Will came racing around the corner on the porch. "Chiron! Rachel is awake, and she wants to see you and the musical four."

The centaur's eyes widened, but he quickly hid his uneasiness and surprise. "And who would the musical four be?"

"She didn't say."

"We should probably leave--" Luke began awkwardly.

"No," Chiron interrupted him thoughtfully. "You four are coming with me. Hopefully some of our questions will be answered with our oracle finally awake."


"Good afternoon, Rachel," he said when he saw her sitting up against the headrest of her bed. The four boys crowded behind him anxiously. "How are you feeling?"

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