Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

(a/n) one of my internet friends gifted me the Death of a Bachelor album through iTunes (faith in humanity restored) and I've been singing and crying and listening to it all day. Brendon Urie has such a beautiful voice!

"So, your name is Pearl?" Ashton asked, swinging his feet back and forth like a little kid. "That's a pretty name."

The naiad smiled and flicked her short, seaweed-green hair out of her face almost haughtily. He wasn't sure why he was talking to a naiad, but he had felt pretty lonely after Percy left. He was almost positive that she couldn't understand him, since he certainly didn't understand her, but at the same time, he felt like she could hear him. Either way, she was playing along with him, whether it was because she liked him or wanted to drown him.

"What, do you collect pearls at the bottom of the sea for a living?" Ashton laughed. He noticed the sour expression on her face, and he grimaced. "Oh, sorry. Well, I bet all the pearls in the sea can't compare to your beauty."

She blushed emerald-green and bowed her head. Ashton felt bad for flirting with a naiad that he didn't have the slightest bit interest in, but she seemed to be liking it, and he was totally acing this.

"A pretty, um, water girl like you can't be single," he said, leaning his head to one side. "That can't be right."

Pearl glanced up and batted her eyelashes at him. Her body language read, "I'M SINGLE AND DESPERATE!!" Ashton was single and desperate too, but he didn't feel like drowning.

"Ashton!" a voice shouted, and he glanced over his shoulder. It was Calum, his dark eyes wild, as he came racing down the pier. "Ashton, come quick!"

"What is it?" the drummer exclaimed, scrambling to his feet.

"It's Luke!" Calum gasped out. He stopped in front of his friend, put his hands on his knees, and held up his finger. "Just give me a minute," he panted. He took a couple deep breaths before saying, "You're not going to believe this, but Luke has some serious sword skills. He cut Percy!"

"He did what?" Ashton cried. "Why would he do that?"

"Percy says that Luke doesn't remember it. And then, after the duel--"

"Duel?" Ashton echoed. "What duel? Why were Percy and Luke fighting?"

"It was just for practice. Anyway, after the duel, Luke got claimed by... ugh, what's his name...? Pollo? I don't know, just come on!"

Calum tugged on Ashton's arm, but he hesitated. He didn't have all of the details. Was Luke in trouble or not? Perhaps more importantly, why did Calum care about his friends all of a sudden?

"Where is Luke now?" Ashton asked.

"In the bathroom puking his guts out. Help me convince him that it's not all bad getting claimed."

"How am I supposed to help?" the drummer demanded. "I'm not even claimed!"

"I know, but Luke won't listen to me, and Michael hates his cabin. Just come. Please?"

Ashton sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll see you later, Pearl," he told the naiad. She pouted and blew him a kiss.

"Who's that?" Calum asked as they ran back to camp.

"Doesn't matter."

They entered the co-ed bathrooms, but Ashton didn't hear anything. He didn't see Luke anywhere.

"Are you sure he's here?" he asked Calum.

"He was puking just a second ago," the bassist said with a small frown. "Luke, where are you?"

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