Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

(a/n) I use the word "black" so much in this chapter, it starts to lose its meaning.

"Let's go to the mall!" Ashton and Michael sang loudly, arms linked together.

"This is why we can't go anywhere with you in public," Calum groaned, face-palming himself. His face was redder than a tomato, probably having an allergic reaction to all of the people staring at his friends' embarrassing display.

Luke giggled. "Liven up, Cal. This is our one moment to relax from the quest and treat ourselves."

"By getting things that we need," the bassist reminded him. "Like clothes and bear traps."

"You're turning into Ashton."

Calum was offended. "I am not!"

"I heard that!" the drummer shouted over his shoulder. "I'm delightful!"

"What's on our How-To-Successfully-Kill-A-Giant-and-Kronos list?" Michael asked, falling back so that he was walking beside the other two.

"Clothes, matches or lighters--either works--bear traps--" Calum began, but he was interrupted.

"I thought you were joking about the bear traps," Luke said.

"Of course I wasn't! If more monsters like that Hydra attack us, we'll be done for! We need to find traps big enough to catch them so we can finish them off."

His friend gulped a little nervously. "Oh."

"We also need maps for each of us and more food," Calum finished. "Specifically stuff that won't rot in our bags."

"Like Ramen," Michael suggested, licking his lips. "Man, I could really go for some Ramen right now."

"Are you always hungry?"

"Yes," he deadpanned.

"Let's split up," Calum proposed. "Who wants to get what?"

"I'll get the food," Michael volunteered.

"I'll get the bear traps, I guess," Ashton said. "I look like the most rugged lumberjack out of all of you."

"I'll get the maps," Luke piped up. That was the easiest one.

"And that leaves me with the flammable stuff," Calum said, and he paused. "That sounded really bad. Anyway, we can each get our own clothes. Where do we want to meet up when we're finished shopping?"

"The bakery," Michael said immediately.

"No," the bassist shot down. "No more food for you."

"How about right by the escalator?" Luke said, pointing to the moving stairs beside them.

"Sounds good to me," Ashton said with a nod. "I'll see y'all around."

"Break!" Luke and Michael yelled before running in different directions.

"I have idiots for friends," Calum sighed before walking into a smoking bar, the best place to find a lost lighter.


Michael found everything he--er, they--needed within minutes. He threw every nonperishable food he found into a cloth bag before waiting in line to purchase. He even indulged himself and bought a blueberry muffin. Hey, they had the money to waste, thanks to their anonymous godly helper.

As he waited, Michael spotted a group of three old ladies knitting on a wooden bench. They were extremely old: each of them had gnarled hands, yellowed nails, and wrinkly faces. They appeared ancient. They all seemed to be working together on knitting the same thing, a giant blanket or scarf or something.

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