Oliver finally came out of the Gas station, but I hadn’t noticed. “Simon?” he questioned. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I sighed, still glaring in the direction of his two brothers.

“Well you sure seem lost in thought, and plus your chewing on your lip.”

 “Yeah, I was just thinking…”

 “About what?”

 I turned to him and smiled. “About how much I love you and how hard I’m going to fuck you tonight!” I grinned, trying to forget about what had only happened a few minutes ago.

 “Simon!” he moaned. “We are in public!”

 “I know, but I just can’t help how much I love you!” I whined.

“Can’t you wait till we get to a hotel?!”

“But what about all the hungry eyes at this gas station begging to see two teenage boys dry hump each other in the back of a mustang with no roof?”

“I bet the cops will want to watch too.”

 “HMPH!” I whined. “Fine I’ll ‘WAIT’!”

 “Good boy.” He smiled, patting my head. Wtf, so we’re playing that game!

 “Okay, but before we need to stop by Pet co!” I grinned.


“Oh you’ll see!”


Oliver’s POV:

It was starting to get late. I had finally passed my sugar rush, but now I was worried because the sky was super gray and I started to feel raindrops coming down.

“Simon… I think its starting to rain.”

 “Well hold on, I find a hotel and we can just stay there.”

 The wind was rustling through my hair blowing my bangs out of my face. I was worried that we weren’t going to find a hotel before it started pouring down.

 “How much hotel money we got left?” he questioned.

 “Uhm, about maybe enough to stay a day?”

 “That’s good enough for me.” At that moment, the rain came pouring down, soaking me instantly.

 “How far are we?!” I had to yell over the sound of the rain pouring down.

 “It’s Just up the road!” He shouted back. I looked at him, he was wet as well. The way his shirt clung to his body was sexy. You could make out every inch of his chest, he was so sexy, and just looking at him was getting me horny.

 “Wow Oliver, hold yourself back.” He smirked.

I looked down and dreaded wearing skinny jeans. I was obviously hard, and it was super easy to tell. “Shut up.” I diverted my eyes from his.

 “Haha, your so cute.” He smiled. I smiled back up at him, and wrapped my arms around him.”Whoa, let’s be careful Oliver, I’m driving.”

 “Sorry!” I cried, pulling my arms away from him.

 “I didn’t say you had to let go of me.” He smiled.

 “oh… okay.” I replied softy, wrapping my arms back around him.

We pulled up to the hotel FINALLY. I was hoping my clothes I had to change into weren’t wet. I slowly pushed out of the car, using my bag full of my stuff I had to cover up my hard on. Simon just laughed. I shot him a glare and we went inside.

 The inside of the hotel was super nice; I was just hoping we had enough money to afford a night here.

“Hello, how may I help you?” asked a woman behind a counter. She had long brunette hair tied back with a bow; he brown bangs just barely covered her hazel eyes. She wore what I assumed was the hotel’s staff uniform.

“my little brother and I would like to stay the night.” He smirked. Whenever we stayed at hotels or anything he referred to me as his little brother.

 “Alright, that will be about 150$.”

“150$?” he gasped. We only had a 100$.

 “Yes that would be the cost for both of you to stay.”

 “While the hell is it so high?” he questioned.

 “Honey, this is a 4 star hotel. I don’t make the rules.”

 “We only have a 100$.”

 “Well if you can’t come up with a 50 I guess you can’t stay.” She sighed.

 “Please, he’s so sick, and I can’t afford it for him to go out in the rain, we’ve got no other place to stay.”

The lady sighed. “I can’t do that sir-“

 “Please, do it for him, he might not make it, and we have no other place to stay… you see our mother died a few weeks ago, and ever since, our father has been abusing us. He almost broke my leg and he hurt my brother really badly. Then we decided to run away, and this was the only place we found to stay at. My brother has pneumonia and he’s coming down with the flu, please miss, just one night then we will leave.”

   She sighed. And Simon knew she was about to give in. He was an excellent liar and he could persuade anyone. “I guess one night, but make sure you stay in your room, and don’t call room service.”

 A smile lit up Simons face and he winked. “Thank you.”

We slowly went up to the room. I fell on the bed and sunk into it. It was probably the softest bed I’ve ever lied on. “You’re still soaking wet.” He muttered.

 “Oh ya, I better change before I actually do get the pneumonia.” I laughed. I opened my bag to see if any of my clothes were wearable.  “Damn.”

“What’s wrong?”

“All my clothes are soaking wet.”

“Oh well, that’s good for me.” He smiled wrapping his arms around me.

 “How’s that?”

 “Cause I get to see you naked.” He grinned. My face turned bright red. It’s not that he’s never seen me naked; it’s just that, the thought was embarrassing.


 “What? Are you embarrassed?” He laughed.

“Maybe a little…”

 “Oh come on, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before, and besides all my clothes are wet as well.”

 “O-okay…” I replied. “But first can I take a shower, alone?”

“Alone?” he pouted.

“Yes alone.”

“But why?”

“Because I don’t want to take a shower with you!” I said, sticking my tongue out.

“Come on Oliver.”

 “Nooo.” I shouted, pulling a pillow over my head.

“Please?” he whispered.


“I take that as a yes!” he jumped off the bed and walked into the bathroom. I sighed a slowly followed after him.

AN- Hey guys, im happy to say im updating again, everythings just been crazy, and dont you love how i ended at the juicy part? dont worry the next chapter continues from that point, so stop point your guns at me guys DX. But horray for this chapter remember to vote and comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

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