She stood by the door, holding it with her body, when she shifted her weight and raised an eyebrow at me, somehow still keeping that frown of hers.

"What the hell were you doing?" She said.

"I-I was just, you know—"

"I know nothing." She pointed to the hall, keeping her stare on me. "Follow me."

"Where are we going?"

She rolled her eyes. Also something I've never witnessed from Daisy before. Why was she so irritated? "I said get out and follow me. I never said to ask questions."

I obliged with her orders and we were soon walking beside each other on the wide carpeted hallway. Well, more like her in front and me trailing closely behind her like a lost puppy.

"Okay listen up." She began speaking "I'm going to be taking you to the dormitory where you will be staying for your time here in the Facility. You will have a roommate, her name is Normani, and she will show you the place and the rules."

I silently nodded with my lips pressed together. I couldn't help but to stare at her figure in front of me and get that familiar feeling in my stomach. She was so cute, even in that confident walk she was doing and the frowning and all that. I couldn't help but to shift my gaze even lower, where a certain area that I loved very much of hers was swaying side to side. It was so big. God, how did it even fit inside those thights? And is it me or is that ass getting bigger and bigger? Could I—

I came to a forced stop when I ran in to Daisy, who glared at me and then rolled her eyes again. What the hell?

I moved to the side to give her the space she obviously wanted, when I noticed we had stopped in front of a room with the number "727" on a golden plaque. I hadn't even noticed we were now in a stretch hallway that resembled more of a hotel than anything else.

 I hadn't even noticed we were now in a stretch hallway that resembled more of a hotel than anything else

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She turned to me, her frown still decorating her face. She was actually starting to scare me. "Do you have anything else to ask me, Robin? This is a great time for questions before I leave you in the hands of Normani."

She shifted her weight again and crossed her arms across her chest. I know she was for some reason trying to be pissed at me, but she was honestly failing miserably at it. She just ended up looking hotter and making me want her more. I glanced at her lips and involuntarily licked my own at the thought of how delicious her lips had tasted.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye I was being pushed roughly on the wall, Daisy's hands on my collars and her feet in a surfboard stand. She was stronger than she looked that's for sure.

I could almost see steam coming out of her ears just like Saturday morning cartoons, and she did not look like she was going to relax any time soon.

"I fucking hate you, Robin. Do you understand? I hate everything that has to do with you. I hate ever letting you into my life."

My eyebrows knitted together. "Why?"

She pushed my shoulders back into the wall "You are so fucking oblivious!"

"I don't get it."

She scoffed at my answer. "You know what? Congratulations. You wanted to get me at your mercy? Well you fucking got me. You won. You fucking wo—"

"What the hell is all this noise?" A dark skinned girl stood under the frame of the room I was assigned to, starring at Daisy and I.

I looked at back at Daisy, who had her gaze to the floor.

She let out a deep breath then turned to the girl who I assume was Normani. "Hey Normani"

Her frown disappeared with a toothless smile, as the other girl greeted her. "This is your new roommate, Robin Hernandez. Please tell her the rules and also show her around."

"No problem." Normani responded with a bright smile worthy of magazines. God, this girl was beautiful.

Daisy nodded, leaving me and Normani alone in the hallway.

We both watched her leave, then Normani spoke again. "Welcome to the Facility, Robin."


A/N: Blessing ya'll with a double updateeee

Jk. It was just a full chapter but I divided it into two cause it was too long.


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