"It's okay." Lauren smiles gently at the brunette as she takes her phone back. "I'm okay. Don't worry about me."

"Nothing is okay, Lauren. We are married and I don't even remember you. Not to mention the fact that I'm in a relationship with someone else." Camila wipes the tears falling from her eyes and Lauren's heart breaks. "And I love him." Scratch that, her heart shatters.

Lauren chokes up and once again, she is at a loss for words. "I understand, but I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere, Camila. I'll back off, but I'm still going to be around." Lauren informs the girl.

Camila smiles sadly through her tears. "I wouldn't hate you if you left. I would understand."

"I would hate me if I left." Lauren counters. "For better or worse. I made that promise to you two years ago and I intend to keep it."

Camila nods as she wipes the fresh tears from her face. "Do you uh mind taking me home?"

"Not at all." Lauren pipes up as she leads the two of them back to her car. The car ride to the apartment is silent and Lauren is okay with that. Silence between the two of them has never been awkward and she understands that Camila is having to process a lot of information.

When they arrive, Lauren walks Camila to her apartment. The one conveniently situated right in front of her new apartment. Dinah sent Lauren a text after they left Ally's pizza place saying that she already called and told them that Lauren wanted it and all she had to do was sign a lease. The Polynesian was quickly becoming Lauren's second favorite person. The first being the brunette that she is about to exchange goodbyes with.

"How did we get separated?" The younger brunette turns to face the green-eyed girl.

"We lived in Venice and there were bombings there a year ago. You may have seen them on the news or heard about them. When the city was threatened, I immediately got you out of there and put you on a plane to here. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough room on the plane for me." Lauren explains, the memory of that day still making her heart ache. "I tried to get back to you, but the airport and other ports around the city were hit and it took a year to rebuild them and get new planes and boats in."

Camila nods in understanding. "I do remember seeing the aftermath on television." Her eyes widen momentarily when a thought crosses her mind. "I can't believe I lived in Italy."

"You temporarily lived there for 4 months and then we resided there for two years." Lauren smiles.

"Temporarily?" The younger girl asks.

"Yeah. We both studied abroad there our junior year of college. Both of our majors dealt with the arts and well Venice is the best study abroad place for that." Lauren explains. "That's how we met actually. We fell in love there. With the city and with each other. So when we graduated from the University of Miami, we both decided to go back and start our lives there." Lauren conveniently leaves out the part that Camila's parents played in them moving to Venice. That isn't her story to tell though and if Camila ever finds out, Lauren wants it to be from them and not her.

"What did I do there?" Camila asks eagerly.

"You taught music." Lauren chuckles when Camila's eyes widen.

"I was a music teacher?" Camila whispers to herself. "My parents never told me that." Her eyebrows crease together in confusion.

They didn't tell you a lot. Lauren thinks to herself.

"Well thank you for playing 20 questions with me tonight." Camila chuckles and ducks her head. "Also thank you for putting me on the plane, Lauren." She picks at a string hanging from her sweater nervously. "I wish you could've used the ticket though."

Lauren hooks her finger under Camila's chin and raises her head. "Hey look at me." She coaxes and when Camila finally looks up, she continues. "If I had to do it all over again, if I had to do it tomorrow, I'd still choose your safety over mine." The young artist looks deeply into the chocolate eyes in front of her.

Camila blushes for the millionth time today. So fucking smooth. She thinks as she brushes a piece of her hair behind her ears. She's honestly speechless and she surprises even herself. Camila usually is always the one to talk and know what to say, but something about the green eyes in front of her just leave her completely speechless and flustered. The teacher settles on giving the girl a bashful nod.

"And I just want to apologize in advance if I accidentally grab your hand or reach out to get something off your face when you're eating." Lauren rocks back and forth on her heels. "I'm going to try my best to keep this..." She gestures between the two of them "platonic. But you were mine for 4 years so it'll take some getting used to."

Camila smiles fondly at the nervous brunette in front of her. She's mainly just glad she's not the only one who is nervous right now. "I understand, Lauren. I won't get mad if you do those things. I get it." She sends a reassuring smile Lauren's way.

Lauren returns it immediately. Camila's smiles always had a knack for being quite contagious. "Good. Well I guess I'll be seeing you then." Lauren offers a small wave even though every muscle in her body is screaming at her to take Camila into her arms.

Camila offers a small wave before turning on her heels and entering into her apartment. Lauren waits by the door until she hears the lock click and then she descends back down the stairs and goes to the front office to sign her lease. Being a couple of steps away from Camila is better than being a half a world away from Camila. It's the small victories that Lauren is learning to love the most.

Come Back, Be Here (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now