\\ Chapter Seven //

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Ebony's POV.

When I went home that day, I told Logan everything. We couldn't scent who it was. But we knew one thing. Aleena was gone, and what was left of her was her scratch marks on our living room floor.

Logan told me he went to go take a shower, leaving Aleena watching TV. When he was out, she was gone.

Right now, me and him are trying to make a plan. I skip school for 3 days, trying to make up a plan. Charlotte came by one time, telling me I had another note. It said :

"I see you didn't come, I guess I'll have to kill her. Come by on Saturday, at 6. Don't be late."

It was a Thursday. I sighed, rubbing my face with my hand. I was so stressed. I didn't know what to do. I turned on the TV, trying to relax a little before getting back to work. I have to make a plan, before something bad happens.

Watching TV for about 20 minutes, I decide to get back to work. Reaching for the remote, i stretch a little.

Before turning off the TV, a sexual movie comes on. I know, this is so inappropriate, but for some reason. It helped me a lot. And finally I made a plan.

- Saturday, 4:54 PM. -

It was now Saturday and I was anxious. I haven't heard from him, whoever he was. His name started with an 'M' but I don't know who he is.

I guess, he's someone that disliked Dakota?

I haven't heard from Dakota either, which made my wolf depressed. I still don't know why.

I told Logan my plan, and surely he didn't like it one bit but then, he caved in.

I was currently going over the plan to Logan and Charlotte. We been working ever since Aleena has been gone. Logan and I made up and hugged after and him and Charlotte have gotten pretty close. I pushed aside the thing that I didn't want to think about. No way was Charlotte gonna be in LOVE with my brother.

"Okay, so y'all get it? Charlotte, you have to hide behind a tree, watching, and try not to let him sniff you. He can track you down instantly. So be in control and don't let him smell you. Logan, I need you to hide in those tall trees, just right above him. If he tries doing anything to me, you come out and attack okay? & Char, same for you. "

I said, planting my hands on the wooden dining table.

They both nod, understanding what to do. Charlotte spoke up and said "What are you gonna do again?"

I smiled an evil smile, "He said he wanted me, and that's what he thinks he's gonna get. But really, he'll be getting something way worse"

They both nodded, leaning in a little more so I can finish.

"And what's he gonna get you ask? Punishment."


*5:58 PM*

It was 5:58 PM, Charlotte went into the woods early, finding a good hiding place for her and control her scent so he could'nt smell her. I was still wondering who the hell 'he' was. Guess I got to find out.

Logan said he'll be up in the tree after about 10 minutes of me talking to the guy.

I lean on a mossy tree, crossing my arms, trying to find the guy that took my baby sister. After about 3 minutes, I see a dark figure holding a baby sized animal cage. Oh wow. That bastard was caging my damn sister. The thought of her trapped in there made my blood boil.

As he came closer, I could see jetblack hair sleeked back from being too long, black eyes that looked a little demonic. What the actual hell.

He came closer and now the moon was shining on his face. I gasp.

It was a rogue. A stupid demonic rogue. He lift up the blanket that was covering the cage and I saw my sister, tears on her cheeks and her eyes tired. I cursed under my breath, the sight of her like that made me pissed.

"Okay, you want me? You can have me but give my sister, now." I said sternly. He grabbed my arm harshly and hand over the cage to me. I took and put it behind me.

He started to touch my breasts, which made me cringe bc this was literally like rape. He kissed my neck a little. I tried to slowly touch him but this was so disgusting I felt like barfing.

As he touched my ass, something in me just snapped and I kneed him where the sun does not shine. He let go of me which made me kick him in the face and grab his hair.

Charlotte came out in her wolf form and started to bite his arm. He yelled out in pain but I shush him with some mossy vines. I punched him in the face hard enough so he can black out. I put my hand up to make Charlotte stop. Logan jumps down and grins.


"You are so good" he chuckled than hugged me. Charlotte went behind a tree and shifted.

"Okay, the fun is over. Get Aleena out of that cage and let's bring this to the clan prison."

Logan nods and takes his unconscious body then started walking out of the woods. Char gets Aleena out and hugs her tightly.

"We missed you so much" Char says above a whisper. I smile and pull Aleena into a tight hug, pulling her up. Her legs wrap around my waist while her butt is on my hip.

"So, wanna tell me what happen?" I ask. She nods and started to speak.

"Logan went to go shower, so I was drawing and that guy came from the open winder and took me. And he brought my to this nasty place that stink of poo" she cringe her nose from the disgusting memory.

We walk back home and I take a bath for her while Charlotte went to go check on Logan at the prison.

I strip off Aleena's clothes and place her in the tub filled with bubbles and warm water.

She plays with some while giggling. I wash and wrinse her hair as I do with her body and wrap her in a big fluffy towel. I dress her and dry her hair with a towel.

Picking her up, I make her a snack and let her watch TV before bed.

I finally got my baby sister back. I decide to change into pjs and take off my makeup. After I'm done, I head towards the living room.

"Bedtime babe"

She groans and runs to the bathroom, brushing her teeth. I wait for her until she's done with taking a pee and brushing her teeth. I carry her in her bedroom and tuck her in.

Kissing the top of her head I say, "I'm sorry for not protecting you, this time though, I promise I'll protect you, even if it means I die"

Her eyelids close, letting the sleep overcome her.

I smile softly and get out of her room. Shutting the light, I look at my sister one more time before shutting the door.


A/N: OKAY! So if y'all know, I will be updating a new chapter every Wednesday and Sunday! I hope you like this chapter, it was pretty crappy but I'm too lazy to redo it all so yeah. Vote, Comment, & Add this to your story so you don't miss an update!(: byeeeee.

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