\\ Chapter Eleven //

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I just couldn't take it. My heart actually hurts bc of the never ending pain. Closing my eyes, I feel a few tears prick through. I wipe my eyes, placing my palm against the table and getting up, from the support of the brown wooden table in my room.

'Thats My Kind Of Night' by Luke Bryan, blasts through Logan's room. Hearing his foot pounding and the violent vibes of the song, I open up my window.

As everyone knew, this week was Valentine's week at our school and we had to participate. Which meant, wearing pink, white, or red and actually bringing a date for the 'Love Ball'.

I was just gonna be forever alone like always.

I let the cold air seep into my over heated room and start looking through my closet, trying to find something pink, white or red for Valentine Week.

Groaning in frustration, I open my closet door wider and simply look at all my clothes. Most of them were all black or dark purple. Damn it.

Looking through my closet, I settle down for light blue ripped skinny jeans, red pumps, over sized red sweater and red lipstick for Monday.

Putting them on my nightstand, I decide to wash my face and brush my teeth. After I'm done, I wake up Aleena.

"Can't I just sleep in? It's Sunday, sleep in day." She said, drowsily. I chuckle, picking up one of her cow pillows and hit her gently on the head.

"Nope, we have to get up. Training starts for me and Logan and you have to head to Auntie's house." I explain.

She groans but listens. Getting up, she stretches her arms out, indicating for me to pick her up. I laugh a little, picking up my small sister and heading out of her room.

Still hearing music coming from Logan's room, I walk downstairs and head my way to the kitchen. I make some waffles for Logan, Aleena and I and start cleaning up a little before breakfast.

Leaving Aleena in the kitchen eating, I start picking up some of Aleena's toys and put them in the toy chest near the stairs. I went past the front door window and saw a black, shiny car in our driveway. I know it's not mine or Logan's bc Logan's truck is right next to it. & my car is the garage.

Hmm, did Logan bring home a friend? I just shrug it off and finish cleaning before eating breakfast.

30 minutes later.

By the time I finish eating, Logan was still up there. And by the time I dropped off Aleena at my aunts house, he was still up there, blasting his music.

Annoyed, I stomp my way up. Knocking hard on his door, I hear the music volume gets higher. He's actually ignoring me?!

I knock harder, only for the music to get higher, if that's even possible.

Frustrated, I try to knob and see that it's unlock. I open the door quickly, only to see Logan and a blonde girl on his bed, lips together.

The blonde looks up, and smiles. Oh my---

My blood boils as I see my brother, Logan, future alpha of my clan. And 3 B, Amber. The bitch that was 'Blonde, Beautiful and a Babe'

Logan finally looks up, seeing me. His eyes widen as he gets off of Amber and comes towards me. I simply shook my head, knowing he'll say sorry for the wrong reason.

I wasn't mad bc he had a girl on his bed, I mean, he IS my older brother.

I'm mad bc it's Amber Senan. I knew something was up with Amber, it wasn't her blonde hair or nice figure. It was her eyes.

They scream at people with their light blue pools. But one thing I knew, they're were gold and black specks in them, something a rogue would have.

a/n: thanks so much for the reads! sorry for short chapter, i wrote this all in 2 hours. sadly, i didn't get to see my crush on Valentine's Day :( so i are food instead :D

Next goal ; 15 Reads for next chapter.

Making these higher once in a while.

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