\\ Chapter Three //

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- Remember, Ebony & her family live in her aunt's house now! -

I hear a swoosh sounds that indicates the curtains in my aunt's guest room and soon enough, sunshine hits my face. A groan escapes my mouth and I finally flutter my eyes open.

" Dammit ma, can't I sleep in today? " I pull myself up and look at her. " No such thing sweet heart, your brother is coming early today. So I want you to get all dressed up so you look decent for Logan." I scoff, which leads to an eye roll.

" Why do I need to look decent for Logan?" I cross my arms. This was pretty much getting on my nerves. I don't know why I should look pretty for him, he's my brother for crying out loud.

"He's an alpha, Ebony. Show some respect." She said before looking through my closet. "Go shower, he'll be here in an hour. " I rolled off my bed and hopped in the shower. In the shower, I wash and wrinse then soon enough I'm wrapped up with a towel and walking out my bathroom.

Layed on my bed, is the outfit my mother choosed for me. It's a white dress, stops about mid thigh, no sleeves and it has some sequins near the shoulders and goes down to my mid stomach. It's tight above my waist and expands under my waist. Next to it, is the shoes I never wore, mom forced me to buy them, were the same white creamy color the dress was, heels. It had laces and knots and was open toed. On top of the dress was one golden spiky bracelet. Ugh, mom actually wants me to dress up nicely.

I got no choice anyways.

Clipping my hair up, I drop my towel and put on the extra undergarments my aunt had in the drawer next to the bed. I put on the silky dress slowly then the bracelet. I open up the door and called for my mom. " Ma!" I heard footsteps up the stairs and then i see her brown headed hair coming the stairs. " Yes dear?"

I point to my hair and face. "My hair, and face." She snaps her fingers like she actually forgotten about it then goes down stairs. Well.

She comes back with a wide tooth comb, a hair dryer and bobby pins. She unclips my hair, letting my hair fall and plug in the hair dryer. While combing and drying my hair, I get out my phone and text Charlotte to see how's she doing.

"Hey xx."

"Hiiiii x."

"How are you?"

"Great haha, you?"

"Uh yeah, good, I'll be great once I get my hands on Dakota."

"But he's cute c;"

"Yeah he is, but he's a dick so cute isn't what I'll describe him"

"You're such a a tough woman."

"&you're such a girl. xD anyways I gotta go, I'm meeting my brother in a half hour and my mother is literally making me try to dress nice."

I shut off my phone and relax. My mom starts doing my makeup. After 12 minutes I hear her squeal behind me and I just give her a ' you're crazy, you need jesus ' look then she quiets down. I burst into laughter "Ma, are you done?" She squeals again which leads to me to give her the look.

"Yes I'm done! Gahhh, Ebony you look so beautiful." She stares at me in awe, which literally I wanted to cover her face. It was creepy.

"Well okay, I'll put on the heels." I get up and slip the heels on, when I notice my mom wasn't in my room. I hear a loud squeal and instantly it was my mother's. She sounded like a toddler, which kinda scared me...

"Ebony, get down here! Logan is here!!" I sigh and walk slowly down my aunt's old wooden stairs. I enter the kitchen first, grabbing some bacon and headed towards the living room. My dad was sitting on the old recliner looking at something, my sister was in his lap smiling like a maniac. My aunt was pouring some tea. I look around and saw this really hot dude. Woahh. He's hot.

My mom looks at me and says "Ebony, meet your brother Logan, Logan meet your sister Ebony." I drop my bacon and stared in shock and probably disgust. Not that he was ugly or anything, bc trust me, he ain't ugly.

I just describe my brother as ' hot ' GROSS.

AND, I had a mini second about having intercourse moment with the guy.

Damn, I have hormones man.


Logan's POV.

I drive up to the small house my aunt sent me and hop out of my car. Before I knock a short woman with brown hair opens the doors and gives me a big hug. I soon found out it's my mom and hug her back tightly. " Logan! Oh my gosh, you're so big! " I chuckle lightly and say "Well mom, you saw me 24 years ago. Of course I'm big." She laughs. "Logan, that is dad, William and sitting right there is your youngest sister, Aleena." I smile at them and take a good look at Aleena. She had short brown hair. Was wearing a black and white dress. Ankle socks and white shiny flats. She smiled at me and jump up off her seat. "Hi big brodaaa" I laugh at her cuteness. She couldn't have been more than 7 years old. I giver her a hug. Mom squeals. " Ebony, get down here! Logan is here!!" I smile and let go of her.

I didn't know who this 'Ebony' girl was but I heard that she was a tough chick, and hot. She must be a family friend. Maybe a babysitter? I smile at the thought of her. I heard heels clicking on the hard wooden floor and saw a beautiful girl walk out of the kitchen. Her honey brown hair was in natural waves. It was shoulder length. She had on a white creamy dress that fit her perfectly. She wore the same color heels and a golden spiky bracelet. She was holding a piece of bacon looking at Dad & Aleena. She didn't seem to notice me. She was beautiful, but in a hot way. I can't wait to talk to her. I been single ever since Elaine left me 2 years ago. Yeah, I had some one night stands but that was only when I was lonely. I had a good feeling about Ebony though.

Mom smiled and said "Ebony, meet your brother, Logan. Logan, meet your sister, Ebony." My smile drops. She was my sister? What the hell. She dropped her bacon and looked at me. I stared back and she pretty much had the same expression as I did.

I just thought of my sister as 'hot' WEIRD.

AND, I thought about dating the girl.

Damn, I have hormones.

A/n :Oh geez. What do you guys think about that?! Damn, that's awkward. Anyways, sorry I haven't been updating. I been reading a lot. & been busy as well. Please, Vote, Read, Comment and if you want, Share. I stand my ground when I said I'll give out shoutouts! I'll give out shoutouts the next chapter. & also, I got a prize! Whoever gives me feedback on this story or my other stories, I'll dedicate you on a chapter and give you a shoutout. AND, I'll fan you and give your book a shoutout if you do write them. & I'll also read them and vote.

Next Update : January 6th, Monday. >>>I don't got school on that day bc the government for Minnesota cancelled it^.^ so I'll have free time to write you guys a chapter.

Much love xx. ily.

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