\\ Chapter Thirteen //

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im back bitches


I was in shock, half bc he was right in front of me and the other half, I knew exactly what he meant.


My feet started to move, faster and faster every second. I zipped through the heavy woods and ran towards my clan's village. This can't be true. It shouldn't true. How did they find us? We relocated more than 10 times in the past year. I can't let anyone hurt my family, my people.

I heard rustling behind me, realizing Dakota was following me, okay.

Finally making it to my small village, I climbed over the fences and started at my house, looking to see if anyone was here yet.

"AHHHHH!" A screech followed after that. Oh my god they are here. I go back into wolf form and send a message through mind-link to every soldier we have, and my friends and family.

After about a minute every wolf that was signed to be a soldier was behind me. Opening my mouth, I howled. A long one. Sending another message, "Fight."

They attacked.

I ran up ahead and started to bite down at the weak rogues. They're useless. Growling and showing my teeth was a way to scare them.

I was finishing off the last of the weaklings when I saw Dakota, fighting with Lenaine, the Alpha's wife of these rogues. Oh dear goodness, what is he doing?!

This isn't his pack, he shouldn't be doing this.

Biting down hard at the last rogue, I ran towards Dakota. I growled at him, messaging him by mind-link that this isn't his fight. He ignored it and kept fighting. His claws scratching at the Alpha's chest. My anger boiled, pushing Dakota off and fighting with him.

"Stop it, would you?! This isn't your fight, so stop." My wolf said to him.

"I don't think so." That was the last thing I remembered when I felt a full force impacted onto my side, making me fall over and hit the ground. Blackness filled my vision soon after.


When I awoke, I was back in my human form, laying on the same place I blacked out. The scene around me was the same as before, except all the rogues were gone. Where did they go? Who fought them off?

My legs were wobbling a little once I lifted myself up, with my palms laying flatly against the ground and using the last bit of strength I had to push myself up.

Where did Lenaine go?

Walking around, it felt like this was an isolated village. Where did my clan go? Did they die? I was still so tired and weak I wasn't even thinking straight.

Lenaine is the Alpha's wife of that rogue's clan. They wanted power but weren't very powerful, but powerful enough to kill my whole clan. I fought her once in the woods, but Dakota decided to chime in and 'save' me, yeah alright.

I sent a mind-link message to Charlotte, wondering where she is.

"We're okay, all of us are in the dungeon." I was so relief once she sent me one back.

The fact that my people were okay and safe made me happy. But if everyone was down there, why didn't anyone help me? Why didn't anyone carry me down there or woke me up?

Questions kept roaming in my head, over and over making me dizzy. One question was still on my mind once I made it to the secret dungeon.

Where was Dakota?


really short chapter but i promised that i would update this so ya

this is just a short filler one because like i needed to update this and i have hw to do so



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