\\ Chapter Five //

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A/n: If you can not handle swear words, then I suggest you to stop reading my mother trucking book(:

The beautiful color of his eyes. The dimples on the side of his cheeks when he smiles. His pearly white teeth. His ruffled brown hair. His muscular arms.

That's all I thought about when we drove to town. Ugh, what was wrong with me? I needed to focus on my pack and town but instead I'm here thinking about some cute jackass that ruin my home. I mentally slapped myself for thinking of him.

Logan parked the car in the side of the road and climb out towards our town. The fires were out and all that was left were a few trees and houses. Also the markets and schools. I walk towards where my house used to be and look at the burnt wood and wooden porch. I sigh, hugging myself and looked at Logan. He looks down at me then nods.

We walk towards the construction store, buying a whole bunch of wood, hammers, nails and everything to build a house.

*6 hours later*

For the last 6 hours we got some of the strongest and talentest boys to help with my house. We were almost done when we heard a loud scream. I sniff the air and the blood under my skin started to boil.

"You guys finish up! Logan, a intruder is in! I'll go get him, you get everybody and bring them to a safe spot!"

I climb down the ladder quickly and sprint towards where Dakota is, ignoring Logan's yells at me.

I see Dakota running to the woods, knowing exactly where he is. Running to the spot the last time we were here, i see him, with his arms crossed, staring at me with soft eyes. What the fuck.

There was a weird silence between us until Dakota spoke.


I scoff, why the hell would he come here to say hi?

I cross my arms and stare at him. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh um."

"Hurry the fuck up so I can go back to fixing the damages YOU have done."

He looks pissed but soon his face loosens up and his eyes turn to the soft green colors before. "Oh geez, he's so freaking cute." Sapphire said.

"Oh shut up."

"Apologize! That was mean." Sapphire said.

I mentally scoff at her and clear my throat.


He nods and uncrosses his arms, pulling himself down on the ground. Sitting there, I admit, he looked soooo cute. Oh my gawd, Ebony! Stop it. He's the enemy.

"I-I just wanted to say that I'm sorry."

I look confused. For the longest time I know that Dakota Wilson NEVER says sorry. What the hell crawled up his ass to make him say that?

He must've saw my confused face bc he spoke again.

"I'm sorry for um..doing that to your pack. I had no idea that was your house."

I smile a little and say "Oh, well apology accepted. Just don't do it again or my brother will rip you in half.

Now it was his turn to give me a confused look. "Brother?"

"Yeah, he's the alph-- hey, wait. This doesn't mean we're friends bc we're talking. I still hate you and you still hate me." I said quietly, not really knowing if I meant it.

He nods before getting up and sprinting deeper into the woods.

I wonder what was up with him. & wondered why the hell we always came here, to this exact spot in the woods.

And most of all, I wondered why the hell I liked it when he was near me.

A/n: Okay!! I'm been really busy lately so that why I haven't been able to update. So I'm gonna have to change the days I update.

Next Update : January 14th, Tuesday.

It'll probably be a short chapter. If I'm not that busy when I go home, I'll try to make the chapter long(: Byee!

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