\\ Chapter Two //

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I look up at Aleena and give her a small smile. " I was um, doing some business" she nods and turn back to her cookies. Charlotte comes up to me and smiles. "So, what happen?" I laugh " The usual "

" What is his problem, exactly? " Charlotte asks and I just shrug. " He's an asshole, what do you expect?" I reply to her question and now it was her turn to shrug. "He's a monster that killed hundreds of people. Why aren't you afraid of him?" I just roll my eyes.

" You have a shitload of questions girly" I say.

She giggles then starts talking to Aleena.

You see, Charlotte is nothing like me. We pretty have nothing in common. She's soft and girly and sooooo emotional. She knows how to fight, barely. She's a cute dressy girl. She has boys on her tail and she was pretty much the prettiest girl at school. I, on the other hand, is the total opposite. I'm a tough girl. Ever since I was young I was taught to fight like an alpha. I think I'm pretty decent looking. One rule for everybody to know, if you come into my house and steal from me, you'll pay.

I head towards the entrance of my aunts living room and see my mom, looking stressed out as ever and my father, sleeping. I clear my throat to get my mom's attention. She looks up and I swear, her face got brighter. " Oh honey, I'm so glad you're here" She got up and hugged me tightly. I return her hug and sat on the sofa across from her. " Mom, you know I'm tough, I'm gonna do everything and anything to keep you guys safe and happy. Dakota & his clan aren't done yet, I know that. But next time when they come, I'll be sure that we have our strongest soldiers and I'll just take Dakota down. Teach him a lesson" I bump my elbow onto hers, giggling. She gives me a tired smile and sits back on the recliner. " Ebony, I just..I just don't know what to do. Your dad and I are suppose to go on vacation in 2 weeks and with out house burnt down, I don't think it's safe for you to stay alone. "

" Mom, I'll be fine. I'll rebuild our home with some of the guys' help and we'll be done in no time. Aleena will be safe with Charlotte when I'm working on our house. You go ahead and go on vacation with dad. It's probably stressful right now but I want you and dad to not worry. I have this under control. " I say confidently and hold her hand. " I'll fix this, for us, for Aleena, for the pack" I smile and squeeze her hand.

" Oh Ebony, you were always the strong one."

I laugh and stand up.

"Everything is gonna be fine, mom. Do you need anything before bed?" I let go of her hand and start walking to the kitchen. " Ebony." I stop then turn around slowly. " Yeeeeeesss?"

"Um I gotta tell you something"

I walk towards her and sit down. I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. " Well, what is it?"

My mother gives me a side way glances and exhale. Her chest rising up and down. " Remember when I said you didn't have a brother? "

I nod, totally confused by now. " Well, you do have one. He's moving in here when your dad and I leave for vacation. He's an alpha, and I want him to look after everybody bc everybody knows that, you can't be an alpha. He'll be in charge of the pack. His name is Logan. He's your brother that we gave away when I was only 17. He's 23 now, so I want you to be welcoming him. He's a very kind person. Promise me, you'll be nice to him?"

I nod and walk out the door. How can they just keep a secret like that?! Mostly when they said my brother died. Logan. My older brother. I head towards the guest room and strip my clothes off, leaving me in only my bra and panties. I climb into bed and think.

I exhale a deep breath and look up at the ceiling, not really looking at it. I have an older brother, name Logan. He's 24. My parents gave him up when she was 17. He's an alpha. Which mean he'll taking care of our entire clan.

I just sigh. I didn't bitch at my mother bc, come on? That's fucking disrespectful. I lay on my side and finally, let my eyelids droop and fall into a deep slumber.


Aleena Rosan >>>>>>>>>on the right biotches!>>>>>>>


A/n : I don't really have anything to say. Read ma book(; &&&&&&& fan me! Or you can message me! I give out cookies to my fans heheh. Or free pandas!^.^ well yeah! that's it. Byeeeee.

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