Step Out

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When it rains,

Oh, it pours.

When it thunders,

Oh, the sky screams.

When the wind blows,

Oh, the air shrieks and rages,

Whipping me around

Like a little plastic doll.

Until I find a corner

And breathe.

Maybe if I sit still long enough,

Life will go on without me.

Maybe if I freeze,

I can step out of time

And walk the broken memories

I've held like golden treasures in my heart.

But maybe if I stay right where I am,

I'll never walk the road to grander things.

Life is a delicate tightrope walk,

Of holding on and jumping off

Until it gets all jumbled up and you don't know if you're

Holding on, letting go

Holding go, letting on


Go on,

Go on,

Go on.

But then you're simply









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