Like A Sunset

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Dedicated to anyone who has ever been in love.

Love is like a sunset

Which tinges the sky with purples, reds, and blues

With bursts of gorgeous golds, peachy pinks, and vibrant violets.

Like a sunset, Love blossoms in many hues.

Some loves last forever,

Others just a day.

Some hearts stay together

Even when their owners are far away.

But, like a sunset, Love can be forgotten

And all that is left is just a memory.

For all the heartbreak that love has begotten,

You have to agree,

Love is like a sunset—it is bursting with color,

And when it is set alight, it burns like no other.

~October (February 14th, 2013) 


Another old poem. It was a class assignment by our teacher...due Valentine's Day. *shudders* I'm usually not very expressive. But I got a hundred. ...Four years ago. 

Shakespearean rhyme scheme and structure, if I remember correctly. 

demonicdragon09  This one's for youuuu....(Even though you're not reading this, lol) I was feeling mushy. And remembered that story you sent me once. 

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