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You carry a heart too big for your body

A soul too soft for this world.

You've been hurt before

They say heartbreak comes seven times

But there's more than seven scars running through you.

You, who've lived through Hell,

You, who've walked through fire


There's something flickering inside you,

But you don't see it, tracing the scars of yesterday.

Words burn.

But love burns too.

Hearts break,

But dawn does too.

Pick your head up.

There's a bird calling from your window.

She flies above you,

But you're always looking down.

There's shackles on your ankles,

But you hold the key.

Pick it up,

Set yourself free.

There's no one to do it for you.

You're living in the shadows,

Dancing to a song that's already over.

The memories are haunting you

As you try and fix the hole in your heart.


You who've lived through Hell,

Forget that there's a Heaven too.


You who've walked through fire,

Forget there's water too.

You, who's so weary of the universe.

You, who've had to cry,

Forget to smile too.

Raise your head up,

The holes you feel aren't permanent.

You, yourself, are the fabric,

And Time makes the seams.

Stitch yourself back up,

With threads of steel.

You, who try to control the universe

You only have two hands.

Five fingers on each.

And a heart too weary to stand alone.

People are here to fill the gaps in your fingers,

Not the ones in your heart.

You do that alone.

Your heart is made up of you,

And only you can fix it.

Your heart was whole once, don't you remember?

Your heart beats for a purpose, or don't you remember?

They say everything happens for a reason,

And nothing ever leaves you without teaching you

What you need to learn.

You learned to love, did you not?

You learned to stand, did you not?

You learned to smile again, did you not?

What makes you think you won't do it again?

What makes you believe it's over now?

Your heart's still beating,

There's still a crimson river in your veins.

A future still lies ahead of you,

And everyone you meet is only trying to help you forward.

Even those who seem to hold you back,

Are only keeping you from falling further.

Don't hold yourself back,

When everything around you is trying so hard

To pull you through.

It will rain.

The sky will release its burden on you.


But the lightning and thunder only make you stronger.

When it's all over,

The sun will rise.

The flowers will grow,

And you'll forget why you ever thought you couldn't make it.

In the end,

You'll rise again.





Sorry for the slow update. I've just been busy...thinking.  :) I've been a bit scatter-brained for the past week. 

Hopefully you liked it! 

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