Love or lust? Chapter 27

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The next few days Ciel becomes weaker and weaker. The fact that hes a demon now seems to make no difference in his current state. His appetite goes down and he refuses to eat. Causing him to lose a large amount of weight, which worries Sebastian to no end. Ciel hardly walks, instead he must have Sebastian carry him around, even more than usual. His memory his foggy, making it almost impossible for him to do his job.

Sebastian watches over Ciel like a hawk, never leaving his side for more than a minute. He worries about Ciel, wishing he knew how to help him in this current state.

Sebastian sighs, going over the recent events in his head. He didn't know where to turn or even where to start. That is until one day when he and Ciel were out doing some shopping. Sebastian holding Ciel in his arms as he picks up a few apples and places them in a bag.

"Have you seen that new lady walking around?" One man asks another. Sebastian glances over at the men who were talking. Any talk about a new person in town always proved to be interesting. Sebastian moved closer to them, pretending to look at some watermelons as he listened.

"Yeah i have, how can you not notice her!?" The man laughs "Shes got the biggest rack i have ever seen!" The man motions his arms around his chest, emphasizing the size of the woman's chest.

The other man laughs "And her hair was a color i haven't ever seen before. So white and beautiful."

"So exotic looking and her eyes, did you see them? I could have sworn they changed colors but i might have just had to much to drink." The man chuckles.

Sebastian's eyes narrow and he walks away, carrying the bag of apples in one hand and Ciel in the other. There was only one person he knew that fit that description. Sebastian's mind was determined now that he had a lead and he wouldn't stop until he was able to check this lead out.

Sebastian quickly got Ciel back to the manor, knowing that by now Ciel would be tired from their trip into town. He laid Ciel down on the bed, getting ready to change Ciel's clothes. He looked down at the frail boy and sighed, a tear coming to his eye, knowing that Ciel was like this because of something he had done tore at Sebastian's heart. He bit his lip hard, trying to hold back the tears before they fell.

Ciel opened his eyes slowly and looked around confused, wondering how they got home so quickly. It seemed as if he had only closed his eyes for a moment when they were out shopping. He sighed feeling frustrated. Being so helpless and frail bothered him more than anything. He looked at Sebastian and tilted his head, noticing Sebastian's expression. "What is it? Are you sad for me. Don't be, i will be fine. You will get my soul back for me, right?"

Sebastian looked at Ciel shocked then chuckled softly, closing his eyes, nodding. "Of course i will M'lord. Well if i couldn't do that much for my master then what kind of butler would i be?" He smirked.

Ciel rolled his eyes at that and looked away. "Well i will be happy once we retrieve it. Being so helpless all the time is horrid. I can't even stay awake long enough to get anything done and my memory is shot." He grumbled.

Sebastian nods, taking off Ciel's shirt slowly, trying not to hurt the boys frail body. "I understand and not to worry i heard talk in town today of a mysterious lady that seems to have all the men in awe of her beauty. I think i might know who they are talking about and it could be the same person who took off with your soul."

Ciel smiles, looking at Sebastian with wide eyes, full of hope. "Really!? You finally have a clue? Who is it then?"

Sebastian slips on Ciel's nightgown, not speaking as he worked, collecting his thoughts as he buttoned up the clean, white shirt Ciel loved to sleep in every night. He finally stands up, helping Ciel to lay down slowly as he pulls up the covers. "I suspect it's Trancy's maid, Hannah. From the way the men were talking about her i have little doubt it could be anyone but her. And if im correct im going to need some help with this one. She will have the triplets with her no doubt."

Love or Lust?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz