Love or lust? Chapter 18

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Ciel shivered under the blankets as he stared at Sebastian with wide eyes showing nothing but fear in them. He pulled the blankets around his face so that there was only a small hole for him to see out of.

Sebastian sighed and frowned as he looked at Ciel unsure of what to do "What do you mean? You don't remember me?"

"Should i remember you?" Ciel asked, his voice shaky from fear "Are you with those men who kidnapped me....what do you want?"

Sebastian looked at Ciel confused and shook his head " the one who saved you from those men, don't you remember?"

The small lump from under the blankets moving as Ciel shook his head "The last thing i remember was being in that cage....the horrifying screams...i wanted out, i wanted revenge and then...nothing. I don't remember what happened next."

Sebastian sighed again and stood up "I see...." He looked back at Ciel his own heart breaking he wanted to reach out to Ciel, to hug him tight in his arms and celebrate his safety but with Ciel not remembering him Sebastian didn't think it would be a good idea. "We have alot of catching up to do i supposed but in time im sure you will remember."

"Who are you?" Ciel asked again, shifting under the blankets as he stared at Sebastian closely. "My name is Sebastian." Sebastian bit his lip hard to stop the tears from falling as he turned to look at the door "And im nothing more than your butler."

Ciel blinked and looked away "Sebastian...that reminds me of something.... or someone."

Sebastian turns to look at Ciel as a small smile forms on his lips. He could see it in Ciel's face. Not all of his memories of him were gone and Sebastian knew that with time he would get Ciel back to his old self. "I certainly hope it does. Lets just say you and i are.... very close." He chuckled.

"What do you mean by that?" Ciel asked not moving from his spot on the bed. It wasn't going to be easy gaining Ciel's trust again but Sebastian knew he could do it.

"All in due time." Sebastian said moving over to Ciel "But for now we have alot to talk about besides that." He got out some clothes for Ciel and sat them down on the bed.

Ciel watched Sebastian, the movements his butler made making him feel as if he had seen the same thing time and time again. It made Ciel feel safe around him...but why? Ciel didn't remember ever seeing this man before in his life yet at the same time he felt as if he knew him. Ciel slowly relaxed and scooted closer to Sebastian, not taking his eyes off of Sebastian as he reached for the clothes on the bed.

Sebastian chuckled "You know that im the one who dresses you." Sebastian grabbed the clothes and swiftly moved over to Ciel, lifting up Ciel's arms and taking off his nightgown.

Ciel blushed softly, suddenly feeling shy. Why did all of this seem so familiar to him? And why did it make him feel so strange? It was as if his own body knew something that he didn't. As if his body was reacting to this man and he had no control over it.

After Sebastian finished getting Ciel dressed and putting on Ciel's shoes Sebastian stood up. He quickly turned his head to the door before a knock was heard as if he already knew someone was there. Something Ciel made sure to make a note of in the back of his mind.

Ciel watched Sebastian as he moved over to the door and opened it. A quick blur of purple came running into the room and a boy about the same age as Ciel grabbed Ciel by the shoulders. The boy looked into his eyes with a worried expression on his face, the boy himself breathing heavy as if he had been running, his jacket that he wore was covered in dirt. "Ciel!! Are you alright? What happened?"

Ciel took a steep back and glared at the boy, a look of confusion on his face. "Who are you!? And why did you come barging into my room!?"

Sebastian cleared his throat and moved over to the two boys. "Excuse me Trancy but it seems we have a problem. How about we all sit down and talk about it."

Alois looked up at Sebastian and sighed as he steeped away from Ciel "Alright fine. But what is wrong with him it's as if he doesn't even remember me."

Sebastian closed his eyes and sighed, placing his hands behind his back "That is because he doesn't which is why we all need to sit down and talk. Im afraid Ciel is suffering from amnesia. He doesn't seem to remember anyone or anything that has happened to him over the past few years."

Alois looked at Ciel and frowned. He looked down at his clothes and as if he had only now noticed it Alois started trying to clean off his dirty jacket. "Oh...i see."

Sebastian then escorted the two boys out of the room and downstairs where they all sat down. Ciel looked around at the massive room in awe. He admired the decorations and once he saw a picture his heart almost stopped. He stood up quickly and ran over to the massive painting hanging on the wall. "My parents!" He yelled out and as if only just now remembering what had happened to them so long ago he covered his face with his hands, his shoulders shacking as he cried quietly.

Sebastian watched Ciel in shock, his eyes wide not knowing how to comfort Ciel. This had only happened one other time. It was when Ciel and Sebastian first met and Ciel had returned to the manor. Ciel cried at his parent's graves at that time but since then Sebastian hadn't seen the boy shed one tear for them. Seeing this now brought back all of those memories and Sebastian could only imagine the memories that were going through Ciel's head right now.

Alois only sat there staring at Ciel. He bit his lip to keep back his own tears. He knew what it was like to lose your family and he hated seeing Ciel going through this yet again. He wasn't sure if he should try to comfort Ciel because he knew how Ciel's pride was and he didn't want to offend him so he looked away and up at Sebastian wondering if Sebastian would do anything to try and calm Ciel down Sebastian was Ciel's butler after all shouldn't he be the one to do this?

Ciel's cries soon became louder as he struggled to try and hold them in but failed. He

remembered now what had happened on that day.....his parent's and how they were murdered. The red hot fire all around him as he was taken away by strange men. They were all gone...never to return again.

Sebastian then walked over to Ciel and without a second thought he put his arms around Ciel, holding the boy against his body tight and letting Ciel cry.
Ciel offered no resistance and simply buried his face into Sebastian's chest, feeling safe in his butlers arms. A feeling that felt all to familiar to him. Ciel soon became quiet as his cries finally came to a stop thanks to the warmth of Sebastian's arms.

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