Love or lust? Chapter 16

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Ciel squirmed around under Claude's grip as he gasped for air, trying to get away. His eyes shut as he caught a glimps of a dark shadow coming from behind Claude.

Claude looked up as he noticed black feathers falling from the sky all around them. He looked behind himself just as Sebastian in his full demon form punches Claude, sending him through the trees. Claude losses his grip on Ciel, dropping him on the ground near the tree they were standing at. Claude yell's out in pain as his head hits a tree finally coming to a stop.

Sebastian's black wings spread as he went flying into the sky, aiming at Claude, his sharp claw like nails aiming at Claude. Sebastian growls as he thrust his nail's into Claude's chest, blood oozing out of the hole in Claude's chest. Sebastian lean's over Claude, his wing's causing a dark shadow to loom over Claude's body.

Claude yells out in pain and grabs onto Sebastian's arm "It's not that easy!" He effortlessly swings Sebastian off of him and sends him into a tree. Claude stands up, holding onto his chest. He growls, looking up at Sebastian who was sitting high up in the tree Claude had thrown him into.

Sebastian scans the area looking for the demon sword that he had dropped in his pursuit of Claude. He saw a glimmer in the distance and quickly spread his wings, taking flight out of the tree.

Claude saw where Sebastian was going and quickly started running through the trees trying to beat Sebastian to the sword. "What are you doing Sebastian!? What about your master?" Claude yelled out with a grin on his face, trying to distract Sebastian.

In his fit of rage Sebastian was unable to hear Claude as he lands beside the sword. He goes to pick it up when he hears someone coming up behind him. He quickly turn's around, growling loud, his eyes glowing a bright red. He expects to see Claude standing there but is surprised by who he sees instead of Claude.

Alois stand's there with wide eyes as he looks at Sebastian. Fear clear on his face, Alois goes to move closer to Sebastian but is knocked down by Claude as he comes running through the bushes, knocking Alois down.

"You wont win! This is a fight between two demons, There will be no winner!" Claude yells out, his golden eye's shinning bright as he glares at Sebastian, ready to attack.

Sebastian steeps back, putting his foot on the demon sword as he glares at Claude ready to attack, his eyes never leaving Claude's gaze almost forgetting about Alois until he hears a soft whimper coming from the bushes and Alois stands up, glaring at Claude.

"Claude how dare you!" Alois yells as he brushes off some dirt.

Claude turns his head to look at Alois, shock on his face when he sees him standing there before him. "What are you..."

Before he can finish his sentence Sebastian grabs the demon sword and in an instant he drives the sword through Claude's chest, hitting his heart.

Blood pours from the would as Claude falls over. He coughs up blood, still glaring at Sebastian. "You...bastard!" He closes his eyes tight, trying to hold back his cries of pain.

Sebastian grins as he pushes the sword in deeper causing the wound to spread more. "You should know better than to take your eyes off of your enemy."

Alois gasped and took a few steeps back, covering his mouth with his hands. He looked at the two demons with wide eyes. "Claude no!" He wanted to run over to Claude but was to afraid as he looked at Sebastian who was still in his full demon form. "Sebastian where's Ciel?" Alois yelled out knowing that would get Sebastian's attention.

Sebastian looked at Alois and frowned. He stood up and quickly ran back to the spot where Ciel had been. Ciel was still laying there, his eyes closed. He hadn't moved at all since Sebastian last seen him. Sebastian fell onto his knee's in front of Ciel and picked him up gently, holding Ciel in his arms. Sebastian slapped Ciel's face softly trying to wake him up. "Ciel...?" Sebastian said in a soft voice not wanting to accept the worst has happened. Sebastian looked at Ciel's neck and noticed the bruises that were now there from Claude's tight grip. Sebastian bites his lip hard and shakes his head. "No...i wont let you..." He buries his face in Ciel's neck as his wing's fold up against his back.

Alois quickly goes over to Claude once Sebastian leaves and falls onto his knees "Why Claude...? Why did you do it? You know i would never forgive you if you succeeded."

Claude look's at Alois with heavy eyes as death slowly takes him. He chuckles softly and cough's as blood comes out of his mouth. "It is what i do...i am a demon...even if it killed me...i wanted his soul to be mine.." He looks down at his chest "Now look at me."

Alois looks up as he hears Sebastian's cries and sighs. "You got what you deserved, Claude." Alois stands up, looking down at Claude as Claude's eyes close finally and his breathing stops. "I don't think anything could have stopped you.." Alois frowns and walks away from Claude.

Love or Lust?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora