Love or lust? Chapter 26

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The next day Ciel woke up sore, his muscles were throbbing, shooting pain through his body. He whimpered, refusing to move as Sebastian walked into the room and opened the blinds, letting in the bright sunlight.

Sebastian smiled, walking over to Ciel and chuckled, seeing the state Ciel was in. "My, it seems you are in a little pain there."

Ciel frowns, looking up at Sebastian and pulls the blankets over his head, groaning in pain "Shut up..." Ciel mumbles.

Sebastian chuckles "Well i suppose you should take it easy today, i told you that you would regret all of that running you did. I will get something to help sooth your muscles." Sebastian walked out of the room and quickly returned with some rags and muscle cream. He pulls the blanket off of Ciel and sits on the side of the bed.

Ciel jerks up and whines, looking at Sebastian with wide eyes "Hey! What are you doing!?"

Sebastian smirks and ignores Ciel's question. He unbuttons Ciel's nightgown and removes it gently, trying not to hurt Ciel anymore than he already was. He turns Ciel over so he's laying on his stomach and starts to apply the cream. "You're such a handful all of this could have been avoided if you had just listened to me yet you're so stubborn."

Ciel growls softly, turning his head to look at Sebastian "What is this all of a sudden? What do you think you're my parent or something? What gives you the right to talk to me like that?"

Sebastian sighs "I suppose you're right about that." Sebastian applies pressure onto Ciel's back, knowing it was a sensitive area as he works in the cream.

Ciel whines and buries his face into the pillow "H-hey that hurts!" Ciel grumbles.

"Oh, M'lord honestly what would you do without me?" Sebastian says jokingly and moves his hands down Ciel's back. "Is this all were going to do now is complain?"

Ciel huffs "I can complain if i want, why are you being so grouchy today?"

Sebastian tilts his head "Me grouchy?" He takes a moment to think about it "I'm not sure, i suppose i am rather grouchy today. I suppose im just a little upset that you didn't listen to me and now you're in such a sad state."

"It was bound to happen anyways." Ciel mumbles "You know challenging me like that wouldn't end well."

Sebastian chuckles softly "Yes you're right about that at least." Sebastian stands up having finished putting the cream on Ciel and cleans up his mess. He pulls the blanket over Ciel "Just rest for now, i will bring you your breakfast shortly."

Ciel nods and closes his eyes. It doesn't take long for Ciel to fall asleep, his body still recovering from his activities from the day before. He snores softly in his sleep, nuzzling into his pillow.

Sebastian chuckles seeing Ciel, thinking Ciel was extra cute when he was asleep. Sebastian turns to leave and looks back at Ciel's book case. He frowns, noticing Ciel's bitter rabbit was missing from where he had put it, fear creeps up inside of Sebastian, remembering that he had put a piece of Ciel's soul into the rabbit. Sebastian quickly starts looking around Ciel's room frantically trying to find the missing rabbit. He tears up the room, surprisingly not waking Ciel from his slumber. A growl comes from Sebastian as his frustration grows. He storms out of the room, continuing his search for the rabbit.

After not being able to find it anywhere Sebastian sighs and decides to get Ciel's breakfast ready. He looks around himself seeing the mess he head made of the manor in his search and grumbles. "Guess i will need to do some cleaning..." He fixes Ciel a cup of tea, adding a drop of that same red liquid and makes Ciel some eggs and pancakes. He goes back up to Ciel's room and lets the tray down on the table next to Ciel's bed. He looks at Ciel and frowns, feeling as if he had let down Ciel in protecting him in so many ways. Sebastian sits on Ciel's bed and gently shakes him. "M'lord?"

Ciel's eyes flutter open and he looks up at Sebastian, his eyes still sleepy as he rubs them, trying to wake up. "Mmm....what time is it?"

"It's already ten in the afternoon, you have slept for a long time." Sebastian looks at Ciel, a sad expression on his face as he places the tray of food on Ciel's lap. "You're more tired now than usual."

Ciel nods "I am, it must be from all that running i did. I just can't seem to get enough sleep." Ciel yawns and picks up the cup of tea, taking a sip and sighs. He looked at Sebastian and tilted his head. "What is it?"

Sebastian debated if he should tell Ciel or not. He looked away, a look of worry and doubt on his face. He hated to admit it but he had been a terrible butler....he let someone come in and steal a piece of Ciel's soul....but who could have done it? Sebastian hadn't felt or seen anyone coming in, he would have known if someone did...unless....Sebastian sat up, gasping as he figured it out, causing Ciel to jump, startled and stare up at Sebastian.

"What is wrong with you!?" Ciel shouts.

Sebastian looks down at Ciel and bows "I'm terribly sorry but you see it appears that someone has come into the manor and taken a piece of your soul...i just now figured out that it has to be another demon seeing as how i was not able to sense anyone coming into the manor. If it was a human i would have easily known about them being here but another demon can easily hide their presence from me."

Ciel stares at Sebastian, his mouth hanging open, not believing what he was hearing from Sebastian. He stays quiet for a moment before finally finding his voice again. "Wait...someone came into the manor and took a piece of my soul!? For what!? How are you going to catch them, we can't just let them keep it!"

Sebastian looks at Ciel surprised and frowns " not sure yet but don't worry we will get it back."

Ciel flops back against the bed, groaning loud "Uuuugh that's all you have!?"

Sebastian sighs and closes his eyes, rubbing his temples "Yes that's all i have for now, i will figure it out but for right now we need to be more worry about you. Without this piece of your soul around you im afraid you will get more tired than normal and become more weak. You need to be extra careful now, you're more vulnerable now than ever."

Ciel sighed and crossed his arms "Great." He mumbles, looking away.

Sebastian frowned "I'm sorry, M'lord i have been a terrible butler...."

Ciel blinks and looks back at Sebastian. He sighs, unable to stay upset with the demon and shakes his head "No you haven't's alright, i know you will find a way of getting it back."

Sebastian looks at Ciel, a smile forming on his lips and he nods "Yes, M'lord i will do as you wish."

Ciel nods "Then i want you to start working on this, find out who stole it and i want you to capture them. I can't go long without having it near me. We still need to find out how to put it back together and we can't do that with a missing piece."

Sebastian bows deeply in front of Ciel "Yes, M'lord.....

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