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BUNNY WAS STUCK in between three men—one she loved that didn't love her, one that liked her that she didn't so much like back anymore, and one that had always been madly in love with her that she had gone off and made a foolish promise to. She thought for sure that being the Head Barbie would bring her happiness, and it had somewhat, but now that she was the queen of her Barbie empire, she had to decide who was going to be her king.

Her biggest obligation was to Xavier. She had been giving him a hard time in the past few months and he was still struggling to figure out why but at the same time, he loved her enough to overlook it. Her hardest obstacle was Greg. Could she get him to look past all the wrong that she had done and see her for what she was—a girl in love with him? If she could successfully do that, then she could successfully lure him away from Tammy. She was cute, but Bunny had fast evolved from that little innocent tagalong role. Greg needed a woman and she was it. There was no better king for her. All she had to do was get him to acknowledge her growth.

Her most persistent problem? Max. It wasn't so much fear that Max would blow her whole cover if he didn't get his way. If anything, the guilt would eat her up first--the guilt of making a promise to him that she would be his lady and refraining from it. She didn't want to hurt him. It had never been her intention to hurt Max. She had always believed that if she continued to brush him off that one day he would grow bored with her. But those feelings had never left. Bunny couldn't pawn her frustrations on anyone else. He had helped her to finally become Head Barbie and now, she had no choice but to give him what she had promised.

She looked around awkwardly as she inched closer and closer to him, being extra cautious. Eyes could have been watching from all over. She had become too crafty and maniacal to slip up and expose herself so easily. He couldn't wait to wrap her up in his arms. "I'm so glad you're here," he said into her neck.

Bunny peered over his shoulder, through the empty gate that divided the parking lot and the football field. "Max, are you sure nobody's gonna see us over here?"

He looked at her with worried eyes. "I'm sure, Bunny." He let her into his car. "So, where do you want to go?"

Wherever nobody will see us, Bunny wanted to say, but instead, she said, "I don't know, wherever you want to go."

"Bunny, this date isn't for me. It's for you." How ironic. She thought of it the exact opposite.

"We could go to the movies," she suggested. It was nice and dark where they couldn't be seen. If they could make it past the ticket window then it would be smooth sailing for the rest of the evening.

"Why do I get the feeling you don't want to be seen with me?"

"What are you talking about Max? I'm your girlfriend."

"Then why haven't you broken up with Xavier? I'm not stupid, Bunny, I know you only did this to be Head Barbie. I wanted to be with you so badly that I felt I had no choice, but I tried to convince myself that I could get you to love me, see what a great guy I am if we spent more time together."

"You're a great guy, Max. I've known that from the moment I first met you."

He cranked his neck in the other direction, looking out the window in distress. "Then why not me? Why not take a chance on me?"

Bunny knew that she would never be able to get him to understand. "Max, you're my friend and it would be best if it stayed that way. Aren't you worried what would happen if we broke up? Then what?"

"Then we would just go back to being friends."

Bunny shook her head. "It's not that simple. Going from friends to boyfriend and girlfriend is a big step and it's nothing to take lightly."

HBIC: Head Barbie in ChargeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon