4 - Reflect Part. 2

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BUNNY WALKED ONTO the campus of Elmwood Middle School the next morning wearing all black. She'd left her Hello Kitty lunch pail at home and had replaced her pink backpack with a black one. The difference in her appearance was like night and day. Alyson was pleased. "Now you look like a rockstar," she said. Bunny's eyes glittered with delight. She never thought she of all people would be able to pull off the tough and dangerous look. It gave her a sense of protection. While the other kids thought nothing of poking fun at her yesterday, today, they took her as no one to be played with.

She pressed her black combat boots hard against the concrete with authority as people moved out of her way. She was small, but packed a powerful punch.

She'd nodded off in History while her teacher spent the entire time lecturing about some old gray-headed geyser that had died hundreds of years ago. Bunny didn't have time for it. She was too busy thinking about how she and Alyson were going to upstage Shay and her crew and become the queens of Elmwood. It wouldn't be hard. They were already much better looking.

She thanked God as they were released for lunch and the warm sun hit her face. The first thing on her mind was getting to their signature table. It wasn't quite theirs yet, but once they had been seen sitting there enough times, people would get the hint that those seats were reserved for two princesses.

"Hey, Bunny."

Bunny turned around to find a red-headed kid with green eyes and freckles following behind her. "Do I know you?"

He looked down and smiled shyly. "No, but you can. I'm Maxwell," he said as he reached out a hand.

Bunny only looked down at his hand and wrinkled her nose. "Sorry, you're not my type."

"Why not?"

"You're too light. I don't like light-skinned boys."

Maxwell seemed disappointed. "Why?"

Bunny huffed agitatedly. "I don't know. I just don't. Besides, you're too nice and I'm looking for a roughneck." She looked out to the outside cafeteria tables to see if theirs had been claimed.

"You mean, the guys who don't pay attention in class and get bad grades?" Bunny couldn't help but laugh with him. "If you want, I could help you with your history homework. I'm good at remembering dates and stuff. In fact, I'll do your homework for you."

Bunny stared blankly at this unusual boy. "You would do that?"

"Of course I would, because you've made me believe in love at first sight. I think I've fallen head over heels for you, Bunny, and I'll do anything to prove it. Just make me your personal servant."

Bunny pressed two fingers up to her lips in thought. "Mmmh, okay," she said. She was finally able to escape Maxwell when she approached their table.

Alyson was already seated. "You know that boy?"

Bunny rubbed the back of her neck. "We have History together. Why?"

"He looks like a bad catch."

Bunny swatted an imaginary fly. "Don't worry about it. I told him I had no interest in him, but he offered to be my personal servant anyway."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, really."

"Interesting," Alyson replied. Bunny noticed deep nail marks embedded in her bologna sandwich.

Later on, she sat across from Maxwell in the library as he worked his fingers to the bone to complete Bunny's homework. He took joy in doing her work for her, and he was good at it too. Maxwell was the type of boy her father would like. He treated her like a princess. The question was, was he a prince? She didn't want a doormat, a servant, nor a humble slave. She needed someone to rule with her. As she looked at Maxwell while he scribbled furiously to complete Bunny's assignment, she decided he would be her just in case.

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