Chapter 50: Forever

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Chapter 50: Forever

“And the magical fairy told the happy prince and princess that they’d live happily ever after. The end.” I closed the children’s book and placed it on the floor next to the bed I lay on.

“Another.” My five year old sister, Kristen demanded. I sighed and pulled myself off of the bed.

“Try to sleep first. I’ll read you another if you can’t fall asleep, love.” I whispered, pressing my lips to her forehead.

“Love?” She questioned me with a tilt of her blonde head. I pretended not to feel the heat rush to my cheeks and just nodded.

“Yeah, sorry. I think I must have picked that up in London.” I shrugged it off, not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

“When I get big like you, I want to go to London!” She declared.

“No. I won’t let you.” I snapped quickly, sounding harsher than I had intended.


Because I don’t want you to get sucked into the rough street gangs only to fall in love with the abusive leader who will eventually force you to move away after his enemy kidnaps and rapes you.

“Because then you’d be too far away from me.” I smile down at her sadly as I switch off the nightlight in her obnoxiously pink room.

I made my way down the stairs and plopped down on the couch next to David who held my sleeping eight year old brother, Frankie, in his lap.

“Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your date?” David asked me as he flicked the volume on the baseball game lower. I heard my Dad grumble at this, but he didn’t make a big deal about it.

My date with Will wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t good. He didn’t make a move on me and, despite trying hard to make polite conversation, he couldn’t manage to shake the awkward feeling that owned the atmosphere.

In the two weeks since then, I’ve been on three other dates. Derek, Isaac and Joshua. All very nice boys, but none of them could get me to open up.

It’s funny, actually- David used to threaten any boy I brought home in high school. It used to make me so angry. But in those few weeks he was doing the exact opposite. He was literally lining up his single friends to go out with me. Anything to make me get over Zayn.

As it turns out, that made me angry as hell too.

“I don’t want to go.” I whined like a child.

“Last one this week, I promise.” He pleaded with me. I could tell that he only wanted me to get better, but this dating thing was not the way to do it. If I’d ever heal, it’d be over time. Forcing me with other guys wouldn’t do it.

“I don’t even know this guy’s name.” I give in reluctantly.


“Ricky?” I scoffed, “that’s such a douche name.” David nudged my side roughly and sent me a warning look. I rolled my eyes.

“He’s asleep, Dave.” I pointed to the sleeping boy. His big brother mode set in as he tried to protect the younger boy’s ears from the foul language that I seemed to be known for.

“Besides, douche isn’t even a bad word.”

“I’d rather none of my children use that word, Darling.” A feminine voice piped in. I whipped my head around so quickly that it probably hurt but I was too distracted.

I knew it wasn’t him.

He never pronounced the word like that.

Her voice was too feminine for him.

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