Chapter 42: Danger

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Chapter 42: Danger

"Please tell me what's going on," I begged Zayn as I watched him tear apart our bedroom. I crossed my legs in a pretzel and fiddled with the edge of the comforter of the bed. His dark eyes snapped in my direction.

"Nothing's wrong, Darlin', I just need to find something." He growled. My eyes followed him around the room, watching him rip out drawers from the dresser, dumping our clothes all over the floor.

"Well, what are you looking for? Maybe I can help." I suggested, starting to get a feeling about exactly what he was looking for.

"No. You can't help. Just sit there and shut up." He snapped, throwing a pile of my bras on the floor in the corner of the room. I watched him get down on his knees to crouch over and look underneath the bed. He let out an angry huff and jumped up from his position.

"I know what you're looking for." I muttered, not even sure he would hear me.

"Oh yeah? You fucking know what I'm looking for, do you, Darlin'? Then show me where the fuck it is!" He shouted, kicking the edge of the dresser. I let out a sigh and stood up from the bed. Carefully, I wrapped my fingers around Zayn's wrist and tugged him closer to me. He narrowed his eyes at me but let me drag him around after me.

I brought him to the guest room and made him sit on the edge of the guest bed.

"You know I have no fucking time for this." He snapped at me. I waved him off and got on my knees. Carefully, I stuck my hand under the mattress and wrapped my hand around a cold piece of metal. I tugged it out and held it up gingerly. The gung hung awkwardly between my index finger and thumb and I dangled it in Zayn's face.

His mouth popped open.

"WHY THE FUCK IS THAT IN HERE?!" He shouted, snatching the weapon from my hand. He stood up quickly and got right up in my face. He tucked the gun in the back of his pants and hid it with his shirt. His black eyes met mine.

"Why the hell was that in here, Darlin'?" He asked again, his voice low. I gulped and met his eyes.

"Why do you have a gun in the first place?" I returned, not letting my voice waver in the slightest.

"It's my fucking home. Now why was that gun in here?"

"I- I found it and I-"

"Zayn. I think you should come here." Niall's head poked in the room. I let out a breath of relief when he glared at me and stormed out of the room. I followed Niall and Zayn reluctantly down the hall and to the kitchen.

"Umm, mate." Niall nodded his head towards me. Zayn turned around and let out a sigh.

"Darlin', this isn't something for your ears." He told me curtly. His eyes traveled over to the living room, silently commanding me to go in there and leave him and Niall be. I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the doorway.

"What' going on? Zayn, please tell me. I can help."

"You wanna help? Then go in the other fucking room and sit there and be a good girl." He shouted at me. I looked at him a second longer before I did as he said and went into the other room. He was obviously angry with me for hiding his gun, so I didn't want to push it.

I walked past the elevator on my way to the living room. As soon as my fingers trailed on the cool metal of the elevator door, it dinged and began to open. I nearly jumped back six feet.

"Jesus Christ, you fucking scared me!" I gasped out when Eleanor hopped off of the lift. She let out a small giggle and wrapped her thin arms around me.

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