Chapter 28 & 29: Fucking Insanity/Dark Side

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A/N: Chapter 27 is posted on private due to how graphic it is, if you desire to read it you must follow me and add this story to your reading list.

Chapter 28: Fucking Insanity

*Hannah’s P.O.V*

“Claire, listen to me- you’re going to get through this. He’s not going to touch you again. I promise.” I whispered to her, tears in my eyes. She hugged me back lightly, careful not to press to hard into me because her entire body was covered in bruising.

“I-I’m so sorry to leave you.” She cried into me. I hushed her and opened the cab door, helping her out gently.

“Claire, don’t you dare fucking worry about me. Go home and rest, do you hear me?” I scolded her lightly, giving her another hug and sliding back into the taxi as I watched her stumble up to her Mom’s apartment building.

I watched the older looking version of my best friend hugged her daughter. I tore my eyes away from Claire for the last time and told the cab driver Zayn’s address.

After Claire and I cried together on the floor in her room, I helped her clean up and put her to bed for a while. As she slept, I packed up all of her stuff and called her mom explaining what happened.

When Claire woke up screaming an hour later, I made her a cup of tea and then hailed a taxi. She didn’t want to leave me, but there was no other choice.

Claire is in a delicate and fragile place. Although her mom lives in the other side of London, I still felt that she needed to go home. Also, I don’t think it’s safe for Claire to be associated with me anymore. I should have kicked her out a long time ago.

Even though pushing Claire out meant that, job or no job, I could no longer afford to stay in the apartment, I knew I had to do it.

As the cab driver tore down the streets of London, I worked on my breathing. Seeing Claire hobble up to her mother made the situation even more tangible. I’m going to kill Harry fuck-up Styles.

I felt my phone buzz as I received a text.

Just got home- with the boys. Pick u up in 20 min. xxxZayn

I rolled my eyes. I was going to be at Zayn’s apartment before he gets the chance to leave. Harry’s already there and I have a bone to pick with him…

I thrust the only cash in my pocket at the cab driver and raced into Zayn’s building and onto the elevator. When I reached Zayn’s floor, I waited anxiously for someone to buzz me in.

When I get my hands on that curly haired asshole…

The doors opened to reveal Zayn staring at me in surprise.

“Darlin’, I said that I’d come pick you up. Didn’t you get my text?” He asked me, reaching for me to pull into a hug. I slapped his hands away and rushed passed him.

“Hannah.” He called after me as I raced into his TV room.

“Hannah!” I heard Eleanor call my name in delight. I completely ignored her as my eyes zeroed in on the fucking rapist himself. I ignored the chorus of ‘hellos’ from everyone in the room as I tried to breathe rationally.

“Darlin’!” I heard Zayn call to me as he entered the room, confused by my rudeness of ignoring him at the door.

If I attacked Harry, there were three things that could happen. A. Harry turns on me and beats the shit out of me. B. Zayn separates us and beats the shit out of me. C. Zayn separates us and beats the shit out of Harry.

Eh, fuck it. I’ll take my chances.

I lunged at Harry, knocking him clean off the sofa. I tackled him to the ground, pinning him beneath me as I began throwing punches. I could tell that the two hits I got in barely did any damage to Harry’s face, but as I pictured Claire’s broken body I couldn’t help the anger flowing through my body.

Almost immediately I was ripped off of Harry. The shouting and screaming around me, bringing me back to reality.

As I kicked and punched Zayn, who was holding me back from behind, I glanced around everyone’s face. Zayn’s gang, Niall, Louis and Liam, were all staring at me with shocked faces, while they’re girlfriends, Eleanor and Danielle, looked a little afraid. Harry was on the ground, propped up on his elbows, staring at me like I was insane or something.

None of them were making a sound.

The shouting was coming from behind me.

“HANNAH!! What the fuck are you doing???! CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!” He shouted angrily. The screaming was even louder though. The screaming was coming from me.

“YOU BASTARD! Wait until I get my hands on you!! LET ME AT HIM!!” I screeched as I tried to get away from Zayn.

“God, get your woman under control.” Harry scoffed as he pushed himself off the ground.

This made me see red. In a very stupid move, that I did not think about beforehand, I slammed my foot as hard as I could into Zayn. I hit is leg, causing him to lose his footing. Taking advantage of this, I flung myself back on top of Harry.

This time, Zayn came tumbling down with us. I only managed to forcefully slam Harry’s back against an ottoman before Zayn flipped me over and pinned me beneath him. He grabbed my wrists in one hand before I could fight him.


“What the fuck are you doing? Are you fucking insane?!!” He shouted at me. I blinked back tears, not willing to show him how hard his hit actually was. My whole cheek was throbbing.

“Just. Let. Me. At. Him.” I hissed between my teeth. Harry got up again and looked down at me, shaking his head.

“Crazy cunt.”

“WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!!” I began thrashing about underneath Zayn, trying to get up so I could tackle Harry again. Zayn straddled my waist, his knees on either side of me holding his weight firmly on my waist.

“ENOUGH!” He shouted, shaking me roughly.

“Get off me, you asshole!!” I screamed. I could faintly hear Louis and Eleanor arguing about something in whispers, but I couldn’t focus on them.

Zayn shook me again.

“Listen to me, Darlin’. I’m going to get up and you better fucking explain what in God’s name is going through your screwy little brain when you decided to attack my mate.” He spat at me.

I glared up at him in response.

“I have no problem throwing you back on the floor and disciplining you if you try to pull anything, Darlin’.” He reminded me as he stood up and roughly yanked me with him.

He spun me around to face Harry, who was rubbing his elbow which had been injured after I tackled him the second time.

“Apologize and explain.” Zayn commanded. I looked up at Harry for a long moment. This man attacked my best friend. This man raped her. This man broke her. This man forced her to move back home. This man ruined her.

“Harry,” I took a deep breath and stared up at him. I should just explain what happened and why I’m pissed, but for some reason I don’t think that’ll help. These boys have some twisted vision of how to treat women. The only way to get through to him is violence. Zayn taught me that.

“I’M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!!!” I screeched, losing it again and trying to lunge for him. Zayn held me tightly, but I could tell it was difficult. Niall had to come and hold my other arm down because Zayn was clearly struggling so much.

Never before has Zayn had to get help in controlling me, but I guess the adrenaline from my anger was making me much stronger. Together, the two of them dragged me across the apartment. While they remained silent, I shouted profanities at Harry and the other two boys.

“Shut the fuck up if you know what’s good for you!” Zayn shouted angrily as he threw me into his room, my body slamming against the bed frame sending pain through my bones. The door was banged shut and a small click signified that I was locked in.

Immediately, I got up and started to pound my fists against the door.

No response.

“ZAYN!” I shouted. I probably should have handled the whole situation differently, but I was just so angry. All I could think about was attacking Harry. Now that I’m locked in Zayn’s room, I definitely should have just told Zayn to beat Harry up. It would’ve hurt Harry more anyways.

I gave up after a few minutes, once my knuckles started to bruise.

About an hour later, I heard footsteps near the door. I stood up and waited for Zayn to come in so I could start explaining. When he stepped in, though, I couldn’t bring myself to speak.

His eyes were black with fury. I had really done it this time. He looked me over and clenched his jaw. I saw his chest heave up and down angrily and his fists curl and uncurl again.

“Zayn, I-”

“Do you know what happens when someone attacks One Direction, Dariln’?” He interrupted me, his voice low and gruff. I clamped my mouth shut and shook my head.

“Do you want to know why that is? No one has ever lived to tell the tale.” He hissed. I shrunk back as he took a step closer to me.

“You see, someone so much as look at one of us the wrong way and that’s it. They’re 6 feet below. And then you go ahead and fucking attack Harry. He’s out there FUMING, Hannah.” Zayn continued, his voice rising rapidly as he paced in front of me. I sat down on his bed and looked at my knees as if I were a child getting scolded.

“I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FUCK TO DO WITH YOU!!” He shouted. I jumped at his voice, but didn’t look up.

“I mean, we should be killing you right now. The only reason Harry hasn’t stabbed you is because you’re my girlfriend.” He continued, his voice never dropping in volume.

“Zayn, I-”

“You know what happened to Eleanor? She fucking slapped me once, when Lou first started bringing her around. I made a comment and she got pissed. You wanna know what happened to her? Louis used his belt… She was in the hospital for four fucking days and she couldn’t walk for a week.”

I shuddered at the image. Poor El…

“And all she did was fucking slap me, Hannah. You attacked Harry. I have no idea what the fuck to do with you, I mean honestly…” He ran his hands through his hair and looked at me. He still seemed angry, but at least he wasn’t pummeling his fists into me, yet.

“I don’t know what you expect. You know what the dynamic of the gang is. And I don’t want to lose you, but I have to make sure you get punished for the shit you pulled out there.” He continued, his voice no longer shouting at me.

I decided to take advantage in the brief lull of his speech.

“Is this the part where you ask me why I attacked Harry, or does that come after you beat me senseless?” I asked bitterly. We both knew what kind of a predicament Zayn was in. He beats me, I leave him. I’ve made that clear. He doesn’t beat me, and he seems like a pussy to his gang which makes him vulnerable and susceptible.

“Don’t you dare start with me- I am in no mood to deal with your shit.” He snapped. I avoided the urge to hide under the bed and stood up, my eyes not quite at his level but at least he didn’t completely tower over me like when I was sitting.

“I think I get a fucking chance to explain myself. You know I’ll be damned if I go down without a fight.”

“I don’t even care what your explanation is, though I’m sure Harry would love to hear it.” Zayn stepped closer to me. I was completely lying before- Zayn dwarfed me.

“Harry already fucking knows.” I spat. I saw fire flash in Zayn’s eyes, his teeth clamping down and his chest starting to heave again. Shit.

He grabbed my arm tightly, send a wave of pain to my fingers. I let out a small cry but he pretended not to hear it as he dragged me back into the TV room where his friends all sat around talking in hushed murmurs. No doubt the conversation was about me.

The talking stopped as soon as I entered.

“Now why don’t you tell everyone the reason behind your fucking insanity before I make it so you can’t speak for a while.” I cringed at Zayn’s threat but still managed to glare up at him.

“Don’t you dare look at me that way.” He snapped, shaking me a little. I turned my eyes away from him and gazed out at my expectant audience.

Liam, Niall and Louis all glared up at me like I was a weed that needed to be pulled or a bug that needed to be squashed. I was a pure disrespectful annoyance to them and nothing more. Harry looked at me with, as you can surely guess, pure hatred and violence. He wants to hurt me.

Danielle stared up at me nervously, her body shaking as she latched herself onto Liam, her eyes wide in fear for my personal safety. Eleanor just looked at me disapprovingly, I could tell I had a scolding coming on from her. Still, I didn’t miss the ways her eyes danced over my body, looking for bruises, or the sigh of relief that escaped her lips when she found none.

“We’re waiting.” Zayn snapped.

“I think you should get the fucking bastard to tell you what happened.” I hissed back at him, being stupid once again. Zayn’s open palm connected with my face again, sending me a few steps backwards. I saw Eleanor flinch at the loud noise while Danielle had to look away.

“Speak to me like that again, I dare you.”

“I want to get it out there that I have no bloody idea what the bitch is talking about.” Harry muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. I flared my nostrils and sent icy daggers at him. Taking a step forward, I got ready to punch him, but Zayn saw what I was going to do. He quickly pulled my back against his chest and pinned my arms at my side.

“Don’t you even think about it.” He warned in my ear.

“Attack me one more time and I WILL hit you back,” Harry stepped towards me to threaten me, his own eyes burning with hatred.

“Alright mate, step down,” Zayn ordered, “I’ll handle my woman, thanks.” He warned Harry.

“I think you’ve proven that you can’t handle her.” Harry retorted, but backed off.

“Now Darlin’, you better fucking explain to Harry what the bloody hell was going through your screwy mind when you decided to attack him or I’ll put you in your place, which is the hospital, in front of everyone.” I pushed Zayn off of me as hard as I could, which really only made him let go of me for a second before he grabbed me again.

“He raped Claire.”

The whole room went silent for a moment before it erupted in chaos.

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