Chapter 44: Nightmare

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Chapter 44: Nightmare


Motherfucking kidnapped.

Someone kidnapped me. Who the hell does that? I felt like I was in a movie or something because normally you don’t get fucking kidnapped. Right? I mean come on.

I had been sitting in my room, pouting over Zayn, like usual, and some asshole came up behind me. He had come in before I did, so he hid somewhere in my room until it was safe for him to come and get me. I couldn’t even scream because the fucker put a cloth over my mouth as he grabbed me.

Two other men had been with him. They messed up my room so Zayn wouldn’t make any mistakes. He would know the second he came in what happened.

Somehow, these fuckers hoisted me through the window and down to the street level without making a sound. I couldn’t even remember how it happened. I mean, who gets a 135lb girl down the side of an apartment (without a ladder or fire escape) and into a van without making a fucking sound?

I mean, is that even possible?

Apparently so.

They knocked me out when they tried to put me in the van. It seemed like I was being too difficult. Well, those cunts should’ve gotten used to it. If they thought that trying to get me in the van was tough, then they’re in for a not so pleasant surprise.

“Wake UP!” Someone kicked my side and sent me rolling over a few times. I let out a pathetic groan and pushed myself onto my knees.

“Stand up.” I glared up at the shadow of a man towering over me, but did as told and got t my feet. He stepped closer, bringing a disgusting smell with him. Cigarette and alcohol scents swirled around me as he bent down to level eyes.

Zayn smelled like cigarettes. But he always had some sort of a woodsy, man smell mixed in with the cigarettes as well as an undertone of cologne. This guy smelled too strongly of cigarettes, plus the alcohol was overwhelming. And instead of cologne, he smelt of B.O.


“You must be Hannah Olson.” His deep voice stated confidently. I took a step away from him, getting a better view of his mug.

I had never seen this man before in my life. I was sure of it. I knew I would remember his scars and piercing black eyes if I had.

“What’s the matter dear? You afraid?” He taunted, laughing loudly and obnoxiously. I snorted at his comment, my pride getting the better of me.

“Please. I’ve dealt with men worse than you.” I was certain. I mean, I handled Zayn at his darkest so this guy would be a walk in the park.

My head snapped to the side as his palm harshly connected to my cheek. I didn’t even let out a cry of pain. Yes, it hurt like hell. Yes, I was in pain. But, it was nothing compared to the pain I’ve felt before. Nothing compared to what Zayn had done for me.

“That’s what you think, but babe, I’m your worst nightmare.” He snarled. I let out a bitter laugh.

“Too bad my worst nightmare hits like a girl.” My mouth never seemed to comply to my brain. I had been thinking, shit this guy is serious, but instead I insulted him. I was on a roll.

“Excuse me?” He snapped. I could’ve apologized and played it off, but did I? Of course not. I’m Hannah Olson and for some fucking reason I couldn’t keep my trap shut.

“Did I stutter? You. Hit. Like. A. Girl.” And then I was on the floor. He shoved me to the concrete and kicked me twice in my gut with such force. I felt something jerk inside of me and instantly curled up into a ball to protect my vital organs. He kicked at my back, hitting my spine and sending a sharp pain up and down my back.

I had the urge to vomit, but when I opened my mouth, all that came out was blood. Shit.

“You like that bitch? Who’s the girl now?” He shouted as he hovered over me. A violent punch was sent to my side before the man stormed away. As soon as he disappeared, two other guys came over to me.

The grabbed my arms and hoisted me off the floor. I tried to struggle against their holds, but their rough grips just tightened on my arms. They dragged me out of the room and tossed me down some stairs. I tumbled to the bottom and landed with a thud.

I looked up with just enough time to see the two men slam the door at the top of the stairs shut and lock it.

I couldn’t find the strength to get up, so instead I curled up at the bottom of the stairs and let silent sobs escape me while betraying tears slipped down my cheeks.

I don’t know how long I was like that until the door was opened again. Two men came downstairs and grabbed me again. They were different from the men from earlier, but they were about twice as rough. Their fingers dug into my flesh as they dragged me up the stairs. They shoved me to the floor in front of the abusive man from earlier and held me there.

“That’ll be all, men.” The intimidating man acknowledged them. The guys let go of me and disappeared down a corridor. I refused to look up at the man in front of me, so I let my eyes wander. It looked like we were in some sort of a warehouse.

But it wasn’t a worn down, abandoned one like in the movies. This warehouse was livable, conformed into a hideout for whoever this man was.

This hideout won’t keep me hidden forever. Zayn will come. Zayn will come.

“Look at me, bitch.” The man commanded.

Zayn will come. Zayn will come.

I reluctantly tilted y chin upwards so that my glare met his. His black eyes stared down at me cruelly and I could practically see the evil thoughts floating through his mind.

“Zayn will find us and he’ll kill you.” I spat bravely. I waited for his anger to flare up and for more violence to be delivered at my expense, but my harsh words were met with a loud chuckle.

“That’s alright, my dear.” He crouched down so that he could see me clearer. I was still on the floor, too sore and hurt to get myself up, but he made sure to bend over so he could get in my face.

“I was planning on that, in fact. I know that I won’t be making it out of this. But neither will you.” He hissed. His large hand came forward and grabbed my chin. He yanked me forward so that I was practically underneath him. I tried to squirm my way out, but I was in no condition to fight with him. His hands held me down firmly, his fingers hurting me with his strength.

“Do you think I’m afraid to die? My dear, this is all about revenge. You see, long ago I ruled London. I was in control. MY gang was feared. Then, One Direction came along and took me down. They were too strong for my men. I knew that their forces overpowered my own, so I knew that I would never be able to take London back.” He explained to me. Each word came out harsh and bitter. His knee pressed down against my chest just at the mention of One Direction.

I let out a gasp at the pressure on my airway, but I didn’t fight it. I’d lose that battle in a heartbeat.

Zayn will come. Zayn will come.

“So you see, dear, I’ve been waiting for the perfect kind of revenge. One Direction took everything away from me, so I’m going to take everything away from them.” He grinned at me mockingly.

“But you see, Hannah,” he spat my name in disgust, “the guys of One Direction have had nothing to lose up until this point. Then I laid my eyes on you. Then I saw you and the Muslim together. I saw how that dick looked at you, how he took care of you. I knew I would get my revenge through you.” He snickered. I flinched at the way he spoke of Zayn. I had never heard such hatred in my life. Even when I hated Zayn, I would’ve found his tone a little harsh.

“Now I’m going to break you. He’ll spend the next day and a half searching for you and me. And then he’ll swoop in here in 36 hours to rescue you, just 12 hours short of his deadline, and his men will kill all of my men and me. I don’t care because I’ll have already won.” His smirk was twisted. His eyes black but I could now see that there was nothing behind them. No emotion except hate. Nothing.

“When he takes you home, he’ll find you broken. You won’t be the same person. You’ll be permanently damaged… scarred. He’ll have to live with that for the rest of his life. Ruining one of their pathetic lives is enough for me. I may be dead, but I’ll be victorious.”

“If you think that you’ll break me, then you don’t know me.” I spat as viciously as I could. The man just laughed at me.

“You clearly don’t know who I am, Hannah. Hasn’t Zayn told you a thing?” He challenged me, his eyebrows raised in amusement.

“Zayn keeps his private life and business life separate, thank you.” I hissed, my cheeks flushing a little at the fact that this asshole was right; Zayn didn’t tell me anything about One Direction or what he does.

“Well, I’m Jay Fisher. Leader of the Sharks.” He looked down at me as if I was supposed to immediately recognize his name. As if I was supposed to suddenly cower in fear. I just stared up at him in the same confusion.

“That a boy band or something?” I asked him seriously, working as hard as I could to prevent a smirk from reaching my features. He grit his teeth together and flared his nostrils.

Immediately I was across the room, hitting the wall with a loud thud. I let out a quiet whimper and tried to pull myself up. Jay came over and kicked my side roughly. His hand wrapped around my neck and pulled me off of the floor. I brought my hands up to claw at him, but he didn’t even feel it.

I was slammed against the wall and punched in the gut. I tried to fall to the floor and curl up, but he wouldn’t let me. He hit me again and again before he let me crumple on the ground.

“Oh you stupid bitch. You have no idea what you’re in for.”

He left and the two guys from earlier came back and threw me down the stairs. My arms and legs got cut up as I tumbled down the concrete steps. I landed on my wrist and let out a small yelp. Something was wrong. I backed up against the wall and cradled my wrist to my chest.

It wasn’t broken, I knew that, but it wasn’t alright. A sprain at most, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hell.

It was another hour or two before the men came down to get me. I snapped at them, but they paid me no mind. They didn’t care that my entire body was hurting like hell. They didn’t care that my wrist hurt. Or that my muscles were sore. Or that I was exhausted. Or homesick. They couldn’t give less of a shit.

I was thrown to the ground in front of Jay again. I looked up at him, not even bothering to hide the sadness within me. He nudged me harshly with his foot and crouched down in front of me.

“You think you’re high and mighty, don’t you? You think Zayn’s the good guy in all of this? He’s just as bad as me, doll.” He snarled. I shook my head. I knew Zayn was bad, but he wasn’t even comparable to Jay. Under all the hurt, under all the pain, under all the violence, there was a good man. A good man who loved me.

Zayn will come. Zayn will come.

“Zayn is not even comparable to the scum as low as you.” I defended him, knowing damn well there would be consequences. But I couldn’t just let Jay drag Zayn’s name through the mud. I physically couldn’t let him do that.

“You’ll pay for that.” He laughed at me cruelly. He nodded to his two men who came forward on cue and dragged me to the middle of the warehouse floor. They shoved me to the floor and stood right behind me.

“Take off your clothes.” Jay demanded as he approached us. I felt myself choke up in fear. My whole body began to tremble in fear, but I stood my ground.

“No.” I replied simply, my voice weak. He nodded back to his two men, who immediately stepped forward and pressed my body flat against the cool concrete. They held my arms and legs down, making it impossible for me to struggle even slightly against their strength.

Jay came forward with a wicked smile and clutched the fabric that clothed my chest. He pulled at it sharply and ripped the shirt from my body. I started to kick and squirm but it did no good. Jay admired my chest shamelessly as he pulled out a pocket knife and slowly cut my pants off of my legs.

Fresh, hot tears started to roll down my cheeks. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Zayn will come. Zayn will come.

His grimy hands found my bra and unclasped it. His eyes roamed down to the very last piece of clothing that covered my body. No no no no NO!

Just like he took off my shirt, Jay tore my panties clean off my body, leaving me completely exposed in front of him. I felt my cheeks flush and the speed of the tears increase.

“Now, my dear, are you going to do this willingly? Or am I going to have to force you?” He smirked. Even under the utter fear and desperation I was feeling, I was still cognitive enough to be my usual loud mouth and obnoxious self.

“I wouldn’t touch you willingly with a ten foot pole.” His smirk turned sinister and evil.

“Very well.” He reached for his own belt unbuckled it. It came off smoothly, his black evil-filled eyes never leaving my sad and scared ones. Unexpectedly, he got to his knees in front of me, between my naked knees. My breath caught in my throat as he raised his belt up and thwacked it across my bare torso.

Pain flared against my skin and I had to force my eyes shut to prevent any more tears from spilling. Again and again he whipped me with his belt. The leather made welts across my bare body. The leather went through my skin and hit my soul. The leather made me feel lower and shittier than I had ever felt before.

Zayn will come. Zayn will come.

I shook and trembled and whimpered and cried until the belt stopped. But even that couldn’t make me open my eyes.

“20 hours.” Jay snickered in my ear as he hovered over me. I didn’t look but I could hear fabric rustling, so I knew what was next. I wished that he would go back to whipping me. I wished that what was about to happen was all a lie.

But then I felt him. Inside of me.

Being only the second time I had sex, the pain of his thrusts almost equaled the emotional pain that scarred my being. Almost.

Thrust after thrust. Grunt after grunt.

I didn’t understand how those two men could just hold me down as this evil creature tortured me. They must have been evil too. Something was wrong with them, too. Everyone in the godforsaken Sharks were fucked up beyond belief.

When Jay was done with me, I was thrown to the bottom of the stairs and locked in the basement. I crawled away from the stairs and hid underneath them. I curled up and just cried. Ugly sobs raked my body.

Now I knew how Claire felt when Harry raped her.

I couldn’t even build up the hate I needed to think about Harry. As much as I disliked him, I knew Harry was never as bad as Jay. Neither was Zayn.

No one could be.

The next fifteen hours were hell. Those two men came to fetch me about four times to bring me up and have Jay... Jay… Jay… do things.

Zayn will come. Zayn will come.

I didn’t have any tears left to cry. My pain tolerance was pushed as far as it could go. At one point I became numb to all of his abuse. Every thrust, every strike, every kick, every pain blended together. My whole body was on fire and I could no longer distinguish individual acts of violence.

I was thrown in the basement with the reminder that I had five hours left of this.

Zayn will come. Zayn will come.

That was the only thing that helped me get through this. The promise that I would see him again. The promise that he would hold me. The promise that I could run my fingers through his hair. The promise that he would get angry at me again and again and again and we would fight. The promise that at the end of the day I would fall asleep in his arms.

Zayn will come. Zayn will come.

Two hours passed until Jay came downstairs for me. He looked over me and smirked. His black eyes met mine, but I had to look away. I couldn’t bear to look at him. I couldn’t take his darkness any more.

“Three hours, doll.” He said as he turned to go. I saw him pause at the foot of the stairs before he looked back over to me.

“I told you, my dear. I will win. I always win.” He disappeared to the floor above the basement, chuckling darkly on his way up.

He was right; he won.

I gave up. I was broken.

Zayn will come. Zayn will come.

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