Chapter 36: Clubbing

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Chapter 36: Clubbing

I stood in front of the mirror for a while, looking myself over. I was wearing a tight dress that went down to about three inches above my knee. It curved with my butt and my breasts, giving me an hourglass shape. To make up for the long length, the collar was a scoop neck that showed off a nice amount of cleavage.

I had tried to curl my hair, but failed and ended it up putting it in a loose pony-tail. I also tried to do a smoky eye, but failed at that too. I ended up putting on a good layer of foundation, lipgloss, eyeliner and mascara.

After Zayn had cooled off for a while, he came back into the kitchen to find me.

“The boys and I are going out clubbing tonight to celebrate last night’s victory.” He had muttered, leaning in the doorframe as he watched me clean up.

“Dually noted.”

“Ok, well we’re going soon.”


“Are you gonna go and get changed… or am I going to have to do that part myself?” He stepped into the kitchen and smirked at me. I met his beautiful hazel eyes.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you’re coming, aren’t you?”

“I didn’t know I was allowed to go…”

“Well you are. Eleanor and Danielle are coming too, if that helps.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously as if I would say no to his awkward invitation.

“Ok. What should I wear?” I pushed myself away from the counter to walk passed him and into the hallway.

“A party outfit- but without showing too much skin. I don’t need to be on the lookout for other guys checking you over.” Hence the dress that came down just above my knee. I moved my ponytail over my shoulder to cover the fading mark that Zayn left as a warning to other guys. I still find it embarrassing that I need to be tagged like a dog, but I gave up on that battle and kept my mouth shut.

“Ready?” Zayn called to me. I rushed out of the bedroom, grabbing my heels in my hand and met him at the door. I watched as his eyes scanned over my outfit, but sighed in relief as he said nothing.

“Good, the guys are here.” He muttered, nudging me out the door. We traveled down to the lobby, hand in hand, but in silence. He led me out onto the street where two black range rovers, with tinted glass windows, awaited us.

I looked back and forth between the two of them, not sure which one I should go in.

“That one.” He pointed to the range rover in the back. I nodded and headed in that direction. Like a true gentleman, Zayn held the door for me and helped hoist me up the gap between the car and the pavement.

I slid into the backseat, where Zayn slid in next to me.

In the driver’s seat was Liam, and in the passenger’s seat was Danielle.

“Zayn, would you like to sit up front? I don’t mind switching seats.” Danielle asked softly, turning to peer at us over the seat.

“Thanks for the offer, babe, but I’m good here.”

“I’m guessing everyone else is in the other car?” I wondered aloud.

“Yeah, Niall, Harry, Louis and Eleanor. We figured it’d be best that way,” Liam answered when Zayn didn’t do it quick enough.

“Liam doesn’t think Danielle would feel comfortable in the car with Harry yet. I don’t feel comfortable with you in the car with Harry for a completely different reason.” Zayn enlightened me, whispering in my ear to keep our conversation private from the couple in the front.

When we got to the club, Zayn made sure to keep a hand on me at all times. That’s ok, I was a little too intimidated by the atmosphere to be by myself. As a group, we headed to the back where the V.I.P section was.

“I’m going to get drinks, any preferences?” Harry called out to everyone once we got settled in.

“Vodka and cranberry, please.” Eleanor muttered quietly, not meeting Harry in the eye.

“You know what I usually get and Danielle wants a spritzer.” Liam informed him.

“Water.” I asked coolly. I tried not to seem too bitchy, but the fact that I still hated Harry was prevalent.


“Are you serious?”

“Is Zayn making you drink water?”

“Can’t handle your alcohol?”

As soon as the word left my mouth, everyone turned and started to ridicule my choice. I shrunk back into Zayn’s arm and glared at all of them.

“Oh shut up. It’s my own choice- I don’t want alcohol. I don’t drink.” I crossed my arms over my chest to show the finality of my choice, but none of them seemed to notice.

“Oh come on!”

“Just try it!”

“So weak…”

“She said no. That’s it. Leave it.” Zayn growled, ending the conversation once and for all. I kissed his cheek gratefully and smiled at Eleanor in victory.

“Bloody Americans…” she teased me. I stuck my tongue out at her playfully.

Surprisingly, for that one night only, the seven of us got along perfectly. We all laughed and told jokes and shared stories. No one overdid it with the drinking and any tension that had been there before eased.

By 11:30pm, Danielle was trying to teach El and I how to dougie. While we epically failed, our boyfriends watched on in amusement. Niall and Harry even lightened up for the evening too.

“You two are impossible!” Danielle gave up, giggling as she stopped moving her body to the beat.

“It’s not our fault we’re retarded! We can’t move our hips like you!’ Eleanor whined, putting her hands on her hips.

“Yeah! We can’t all be professional dancers!” I added in, mimicking Eleanor’s stance.

“Clearly.” Louis laughed at us, his eyes twinkling. Eleanor leaned over and smacked his shoulder.

“Can we go dance for real?” Danielle asked Liam hopefully, completely ignoring the Eleanor exchange. Liam shook his head.

“Sorry, baby. I don’t dance.”

“Not even for me.” She batted her long lashes and leaned over in his face, revealing some cleavage. I watched his eyes travel to her chest before widening and snapping back to her face.

“N-no,” he gulped, “why don’t you ask the girls?” Coward. Anything to get the attention off of him. Danielle turned to Eleanor and me with hopeful eyes.

“Oh no.” I groaned.

“Dani, did you not just see how we fail at dancing?” Eleanor complained. Danielle let out a small giggle as she no doubt thought back to the embarrassing moment that occurred less than five minutes before.

“Come on, it’ll be fun!” She begged. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

“Can I?” Eleanor turned to Louis.

“I don’t see why not.” He lifted his drink to his lips and took a sip, watching his girlfriend over the edge of his glass.

“Well?” I turned back around to Zayn. He looked up at me uneasily.

“Be careful.” He whispered. I leaned down to give him a peck on the cheek, but he pulled me in and lay a wet kiss on my lips. I pushed myself away and wiped my lips with the back of my hand.

As the girls and I headed out of the VIP area, Zayn swatted my ass in disapproval of my reaction to his kiss. I chose to ignore it, deciding that the best place to start a fight with him was NOT a club.

We made our way to the center of the floor. As Danielle began to lose her body to the beat of the music, Eleanor began to jump around a little bit, having fun while looking adorable. I tried to imitate the way Danielle’s body seemed to move effortlessly, but I felt awkward.

Song after song passed. Occasionally, I would let my eyes travel up to the VIP booth where I was met with three intense gazes. Even when we were away from them, they never truly stopped watching, did they?

Eventually, I began to get the hang of the music. I smiled at the girls and let my muscles loosen up.

Two hands found my waist and I let an even bigger smile grace my lips. When I looked down at the hands holding my hips, I froze.

The hands weren’t as big as Zayn’s, and they were much paler. I shoved whoever it was off of me and spun around.

Some kid stood behind me. He looked to be a year older than me, his brown hair slicked back, and his white skin flushed from the heat of the dance floor.

“Come on, baby.” He cooed to me, attempting to dance with me once more. I nervously glanced around, meeting Danielle and Eleanor’s warning looks, and then turning back to the boy.

“No.” I said firmly. He looked disappointed, and glanced down at the floor.


I watched his fallen expression and felt guilty. Subconsciously, I flicked my hair over my shoulder, and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“I have a boyfriend, sorry.” I added in nicely, hoping that it would make him feel better that I wasn’t just turning down for shits and giggles. He looked back up at me, but then turned even paler than he was originally.

“oh shit…” He murmured, backing away from me like I was plagued with some disease.

“Are you ok?” I asked in concern. He started to shake his head.

“I didn’t know… I’m so sorry. Please don’t tell.” He begged me. I looked at him nervously, what was happening?

“Excuse me?” I tried to clarify, taking a step towards the strange boy to meet my curiosity.

“Your mark. You belong to one of them…” At that moment, I knew exactly what he was talking about. He knew about One Direction. He was afraid…

“Look, kid, I’m real sorry if-” I was suddenly interrupted when a force grabbed me from behind and shoved me backwards.

“There a problem here?” Zayn hissed, stepping in front of me to get up in the boy’s face.

Monsters Inside Him (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz