The moment Duke located a parking spot, Yugi hopped out of the car and headed towards the hospital entrance. He couldn't take it anymore, he had to get there faster. Yugi's body ached with anticipation and nerves. He burst into a sprint, not stopping until he stood before the reception desk despite the searing pain in his chest. His three friends followed on his heels; their longer legs giving them an advantage.

"I'm Yugi Sennen," He gasped, "I'm here regarding Yami Sennen."

The nurse's fingers glided across the keys, "Fifth floor. Room 526."

Yugi nodded his appreciation before running over to the stairs and sprinting up as fast as he could. Tristan, Joey, and Duke, each panting for breath, followed behind him. Yugi found Room 526 without difficulty. He reached out to the door; the metal knob under his hand cool against his clammy and overheated flesh.


Yugi's puffy amethyst eyes shifted to the side, seeing a woman with blonde hair and brown eyes greeting him, "I'm Dr. Patrick. I thought that might be you. You look a lot like Yami."

Yugi turned to face her, "What happened to him? Is he okay?" Yugi squeaked his voice cracking.

Dr. Patrick opened the door to Yami's room, holding it open for Yugi. The youth slowly entered; his three friends opted to stay in the hallway to give them some privacy. Yami was unconscious on the bed with tubes and monitors hooked up all around him. There was a white bandage wrapped around his head. His cheeks were scrapped and his lower lip swollen. He had a soft cast on his right wrist along with various other bandages and visible bruising on his body.

"It was a hit and run. Witnesses stated they saw the car hit him when he was crossing the street," Dr. Patrick began. Yugi raised his hands to his mouth; a large lump formed in his throat. The doctor continued, "He was hit hard, forcing his body to roll over the car and land on the other side."

Tears flowed freely down Yugi's splotched cheeks, "Will he be okay?"

"We are not sure. The head trauma has placed him in a comma," The blonde answered, watching Yugi approach the bed and touch Yami's hand. He didn't move. Not even a flinch. "You are welcome to stay with him as long as you wish. I am very sorry." Yugi nodded, paying no attention to the woman. He didn't notice when she took her leave.

Yugi climbed up on the bed next to Yami being careful not to move any of the tubing. He lifted Yami's arm and wrapped it around himself. He lay his head on the elder's chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart. A renewed river of tears erupted forth.

The door creaked open, "Yug," Joey whispered, "The Doc told us about Yami. I'm so sorry man. Do you want us to stay with you tonight?" Yugi shook his head and buried his face in Yami's chest. Joey fought back his own tears. He cleared his throat, "Okay little guy. Give us a call if you need or want anything and we will be right here." The petite youth nodded. Joey bowed his head and walked back out to the hallway, telling the others Yugi was staying with Yami.


Yugi's eyes were puffy and bloodshot. He had not slept a wink that night. He stayed in Yami's arms, talking to him to try and bring him out of the comma. The seconds trickled by into minutes and minutes turned to hours. The tri-colored youth sobbed until he hadn't the tears left to cry.

When dawn broke, he realized there was a specific phone call he had to make. One he dreaded. He stared at the cell phone in his palm before dialing the number.

"Hello?" A friendly female voice answered.

Yugi gulped.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"


"Yugi! Are you okay?" Mana's startled voice chirped.

"Is Aziza there?" Yugi asked.

"Yes. Yes. She is right here. Hang on," Yami's sister responded. A soft shuffle drifted over the line as the phone was passed.

"Hello Yugi, dear," Yami's mother's gentle voice came over the line.

Yugi's breath hitched in his throat, He didn't know how he was going to say this.

"Yugi, dear, are you okay? It sounds like you are crying. What's wrong?" Aziza asked.

The flood gate ripped open and Yugi's sobbed uncontrollably. "Aziza, Yami was in an accident," Yugi whispered through his tears.

The phone grew deathly quiet, "Is he okay?"

"He's in a comma," Yugi squeaked. His sobbing making it almost impossible to talk.

"Oh, Yugi," Aziza gasped. He could tell she was trying to hold it together, "Mana and I will be right there. We will catch the first flight out."

"Okay," Yugi whispered.

"We'll see you as soon as we can. I love you, Yugi," Aziza said before hanging up.

Yugi lay back down with Yami. He crushed his lips against Yami's cracked and chapped lips. His tears flowed down his cheeks, landing on Yami's face and slid down, giving the illusion that the professor was crying too.

Yugi placed his head back on his lover's chest, needing to hear the gentle rhythm of his heart. Exhaustion finally took hold of him, dragging him to the land of Nod.


Yugi heard quiet movement in the room; his eyes fluttered open. He blinked several times to focus his sight. When his vision cleared, he saw Mana sitting in one of the chairs off to the side; her brown hair flowing around her face and hiding her expression from Yugi.

She looked up when she heard Yugi stir, "Oh Yugi!" Mana exclaimed running over to the side of the bed and embracing her brother-in-law," You've been out cold for two days."

Yugi returned the hug before looking at Yami. He was still unconscious, "Has he waken up at all?"

Mana gulped new tears forming in her puffy eyes, "No. He hasn't moved."

Yugi's heart sunk to a new low. "Where's Aziza?" he whispered.

"She went to call our father. She'll be back in a few minutes," Mana answered. Yugi nodded.

Said woman walked through the door, cell phone in hand. She saw Yugi was awake and rushed over to him. "Yugi, I'm so sorry this happened," She whispered wrapping her arms around the young man, surrounding him in a warm and comforting embrace. "He is very strong. He can pull through this," She soothed; her warm breath danced on his neck. Yugi was unsure if she was trying to convince him or herself.

Mana placed a hand on Yugi's shoulder, "He is very strong, Yugi. His pure will to live won't let him stay in a comma. Especially with how much he loves you."

Aziza wiped a tear away from her crimson eyes, "Yugi, you need to eat something. You've been out for two days and your friends said you hadn't eaten for almost three. I can go get you something. What do you want?"

Yugi shook his head, "Thank you but I don't want anything. I'm really not hungry."

"You have to eat," Aziza hugged him again, "I know you don't want to because of what is going on but your body needs the energy. Yami wouldn't want you to starve." Yugi could only stare at Yami; his eyes tracing the outline of his lover's face and watching the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

"Yugi you have to eat or we will have them admit you and put some nutrients in you via an IV," Mana frowned at him.

"You wouldn't have them admit me, would you?" Yugi asked.

"Yes, we would. We don't want Yami to wake up to a dead husband. They can force you to be admitted for your own good," Mana's face set in a threatening and authoritative expression.

Yugi sighed, "Okay." Mana nodded. She took out her wallet and left the room, heading for the cafeteria.

"Yugi," Aziza's crimson eyes looked thoughtfully at her son-in-law. Amethyst met crimson," Mana and I are going to stay with you for a while. We want to be here for you and for Yami."

Yugi nodded, "Okay. Thank you."

Aziza hugged Yugi's trembling form tightly, "We are here for you sweetie," she whispered.

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