Just Hold On

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A/n It's going to be like this for awhile

Boo-Bear: Hey Mel I it's been a day since you went into a coma. I was there for you the whole day holding your hand and mumbling things into your ear. Telling you to stay strong don't leave yet. I know you aren't reading this because your phone is shut off in my back pocket. I couldn't leave it there in the hospital room.
Boo-Bear: I was hoping today you woke up but you stayed the same. Your beautiful face didn't move. Not a twitch in the hand. Please wake up. Niall hasn't been the same. He hasn't been eating. It's worrying the other boys how off we are being. You know the day you wake up I'm going to hold you and never let go. I don't want you to leave. I want to respond to your unsent message. I think you didn't think you were going to make it which is why you were about to send it. Don't worry you will make it. Because no one is giving up on you.
Boo-Bear: That day you...did that thing I wanted to sneak away from Chelsy to see you. I wanted you to meet the rest of the lads. I guess things don't always go as planned. I guess. Hazza has been nagging me since I got home tonight. He's wondering where I've been. I think I'm going to tell him. I hope that's ok with you. I don't know why I'm asking for your permission I mean it's not like we're dating. Besides it's your story...
Boo-Bear: I wish we were :(
Boo-Bear: Dating I mean
Boo-Bear: Wake up
Boo-Bear: Please
Boo-Bear: I miss you.
*Boo-Bear has left the conversation*

A/n It's going to be in text message form for awhile.
Also this way of his coping was inspired by xAUSSIEGALx . Also if you're reading this Aussie I did not steal your texting idea because I had no idea what your book was. I just loved your idea and used it on a different form. Thanks for the inspirations love you all muffins baiii. I also realized I don't have enough patience to do the texts forever so I'm only doing 5 then 1 normal then an epilogue. Another thing a have actually finished all the chapters but I am not going to update a bunch of chapters at a time I think that ruins the mystery. Love yoouuu baiiiii

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