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Mel pov-
Niall left about 5 minutes ago and now there's someone knocking on my door. Groaning I lift myself from the couch and over to the door. Swinging it open I see the b*tch Chelsy. "Now what!?" I say with frustration. Chelsy rolls her eyes. "Look brat. I'm pretty sure Louis is becoming obsessed with you." She states walking into my house looking around with disgust. "Ok and that's my problem because...?" I motion for her to continue. "Pretend to hate him, back away from him got it?! You're making me loose my chance of being famous!" She shouted at me. Though I'm pretty sure she told me before just just admitted it to my face! "So you don't actually like Louis?" I ask, her nose crinkles in disgust. "Ew who could ever like him...much less love him?! He's like a 3 year old trapped in a 24 year old body." She says with SASS. My f*cking...She didn't just say that!? "You know what b*tch, you don't deserve to even be seen with him! He's a kind hearted, sensitive, caring, handsome young man!" I shout at her. She rolls her eyes and looks at me "What and you do deserve to hang out with him? You're you and I'm me, plus I'm not the one that wears converse everywhere she goes. Oh and here's a goodbye from me." Then I feel a strong pain sensation in my left cheek. She had slapped me, like those fake b*tches in the movies. The door slams. Glaring at it before going to the kitchen to grab ice.

Louis pov-
Chelsy came over an hour ago (a/n it's Ike 11:30 pm so she came at 10:30) she's been so seductive the whole hour. "Louis..." she purrs at me. I look over to her and automatically feel her lips on mine. Her fake nails scratch into my clothes back. I pick her up and her legs wrap around my waist. Not breaking the kiss we go to the bedroom.

---time skip: brought to you by: in horrible at those scenes--- also we all know what happens----
I wake up and Chelsy is sleeping, laying on her stomach revealing her bare back. Sighing I remember how much fun we had last night, but I can't help but feel slightly underwhelmed. Like it wasn't that fulfilling. Picking up my phone I found a familiar contact: ME.
Calling it she answers on the 3rd ring.
"Hey" I say first. "I have to tell you something." I state.

Mel pov-
"I choose her" His words ring through my head. He choose a girl using him for fake over his best friend. My eyes water as I shove my face into my pillows. Not caring about anything anymore.
"I choose her" Over and over again

A/n Louis chose Chelsy?! She's such a b*tch though! Well gonna have to keep reading to find out more.

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