Christmas Special

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A/n something super quick Louis and Mel will start off with text and maybe most or at least half of the chapter and they are NOT dating in this special. Ok thank you love you!!

Boo-Bear: Hey Mel guess what?!
ME: Now what?
Boo-Bear: It's almost Christmas!!
ME: I know it's so exciting I can't wait!!!!
Boo-Bear: It's also someone's birthday do you know whos..?
ME:Hmmmmm....I've got it!
Boo-Bear: Yay who's it???
ME: It's...JESUS's birthday!!!
Boo-Bear: Correct!!!
Boo-Bear: Wait what? Jesus? Huh?
ME: He was born on Christmas you know
Boo-Bear: Anyone else's birthday?
ME: Yasss! I almost forgot!
Boo-Bear: You have it now?
ME: It's mine!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYYAAY
Boo-Bear: Also correct but you're forgetting one more
ME: Really who's? I'm kidding Lou I know it's yours!
Boo-Bear: ITS MINE!!!
Boo-Bear: Oh you already knew
ME: Yeah and I got your present already! For both occasions!
Boo-Bear: Guess what!!
ME: Now what?
Boo-Bear: I got your present for both occasions too!
Boo-Bear: You'll 100% like 'em
ME: Do you know that for sure?
Boo-Bear: Yassss!
ME: Ok just making sure...hopefully I don't hate it.
Boo-Bear: Don't worry! The ghost of Jeremy and I chose it out especially for you!
ME: Awe I love you too!
Boo-Bear: I don't recall saying I love you
ME: You did in your mind.
Boo-Bear: You're a mind reader?!
ME: Yes Lou -_- that's totally what I am
Boo-Bear: ;)
Mel pov-
Christmas Eve also known as Louis' and my birthday! Skipping towards Louis' house I grab the few presents for him and Niall since Niall is going to be there. I don't knock I just snap the door open "HONEY IM HOME!" I shout at him from down stairs I hear a faint excited shout and the stomping of steps till I'm wrapped in someone's arms. I breath in deeply and I automatically know it's Niall. He smells like after shave and Nandos all the time. "MELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I MISSSEEEDDDD YOOU!" He drew out laughing and squeezing me tightly. I stop the presents and hug him back "I MISSSEEEDD YOU TOOO" o say laughing. Suddenly Niall is shoved and I'm in someone else's arms. I hug back automatically and shout "LOOOOOOUUUIIIISSSSSSSSS" in his ear. He flinched and then brings his mouth to my ear brushing it lightly "MEEEEEEEELLLLL" he laughs I pull back grabbing the presents. "Are you 2 drunk already?" I say with a slight chuckle. He shakes his head giggling like a school girl "No not yet but soon." He whispers so Niall doesn't hear. Niall grabs his 2 presents and rips to wrapping paper to shreds.
"A NANDOS FREE FOOD FOR A YEAR AND A NEW SNAPBACK?! MEL HAVE I EVER TOLD YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU?!" He squeals excitedly kissing my cheek and putting the hat on his head immediately. "You just did Niall. Here Lou open em up" I say handing him his presents. Like Niall he rips the paper to shreds. Gaping he looks at me. "Do you not like it? I can get you something else! I'm so sorry! I-" he quickly covers my mouth with his hand. "I love it! You got me a football (soccer) jersey?" He asks. I nod slowly with his hand still on my mouth. "I love it!" He says in a silly voice and smile and shimmy in the spot as a small dance. I almost forgot! I lick his hand and he pulls away. "What bout my presents?" I ask excitedly. Niall gives me his first. I tear open the paper much like they did. A jump up in happiness. "Yassss it's what I wanted!!!" I pump my fist in the air. "It's a poster of Harry's face!!" I tell Louis with an excited look. His face falls "Of Harry's face?"
He asks sadly I laugh "No it's a poster of all of you plus autographs!" I say smiling at him. "Mine is wayyy better than Nialls." He says smugly holding it out to me. I open it slowly. "OMG IT'S A BACKSTAGE PASS FOR YOUR WHOLE TOUR!! WAIT DOES THAT MEAN-" I start slowly and he answers for me. "YOU'RE COMING ON TOUR WITH US!" I scream in happiness.

--a few hours later--
"COME ON MEL LETTSS PARTYYYY" Niall slurs together as he dances shirtless. Yeah he's a bit..tipsy? Then I see Louis face right in front of me. "Shh...sleep" he whispers laying my head on his lap running his hands through my hair softly. Till I'm pulled into a dark sleep.


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