Yes You Are

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A/n Quick note this isn't the Halloween update!

ME: Hey
Boo-bear: You said a few days! NOT A WEEK!
ME: I know I know I'm sorry! I didn't think I would be gone so long!
Boo-bear: Gone where?
ME: I can't tell you. You'll just judge me
Boo-bear: I promise on my virtual life to not judge you.
ME: know how I'm not beautiful and stuff?
Boo-bear: What? No! You are beautiful!
ME: No I'm not. Anyway I've been hearing things, seeing things. I had to go to a mental institution for awhile. They said only a few days. But they didn't let me leave for the week!
Boo-bear: First. Yea you are. Second. That's horrible I wish I was there with you.
ME: Trust me you don't want to be there!
Boo-bear: I'm ok with being anywhere as long as I can talk or see you <3
ME: Awwwee such a charmer Lou.
Boo-bear: Trust me I know.
ME: I can legitimately imagine you trying to flip your hair.
Boo-Bear:...are you stalking me?
ME: Of course not! Besides I'm pretty sure you have about...2000 girls standing outside your house or your bus or whatever
Boo-bear: I swear I can see you in the crowd
ME: I'm not a stalker Louis!
Boo-bear: I know I know. Just wanted to make you laugh it worked right?
ME: It always does
Boo-bear: and always will
ME: I have to go now. Talk to you later?
Boo-bear: Course beautiful
ME: Still not beautiful
Boo-bear: Maybe to yourself you aren't but to me all your flaws and everything about you is beautiful
ME: Stop being such a charmer. You could get any girl out there. One you can actually see everyday! Anyway I have to go Lou...byyeee
*ME has left the conversation*
Boo-bear: I don't want any girl
Boo-bear: I want you

A/n awwweeee so cute! The Halloween update is right after this update . Also check out my Halloween special and other books that have normal and Halloween updates! And remember my new book comes out tomorrow!!! Love u muffins!!!

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