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Boo-Bear: Why did you leave without a goodbye?
Boo-bear: I just needed a goodbye;(
Boo-bear: Now you're ignoring me?
Boo-bear: I didn't do anything wrong! I just wanted a simple goodbye or a note! Not a stupid text saying you had to leave!
Boo-bear: ME answer me now!
Boo-bear: Lol that's weird ME answer me now! Hahahaha.
Boo-bear: You're not even laughing at my horrible jokes?
Boo-bear: Something is truly wrong!
Boo-bear: Mel please tell me. Mel I'm worried
Boo-bear: Are you scared?
Boo-bear: Scared of me being upset?
Boo-bear: I'm a bit upset you didn't say goodbye, but I've done that before too!
Boo-bear: Nothing to worry about!
ME: There's lots to worry about. I shouldn't have ran off
Boo-bear:'Why did you then?
ME: It's complicated.
Boo-bear: Then explain to me please?
ME: Look Lou I just need time ok? I have a life other than on my phone you know?
Boo-bear: Oh ok then...sorry
ME: I didn't mean it like that Lou, I'm just so stressed.
Boo-bear: Was I making you stressed? Probably I am super stressful.
ME: No boo it wasn't you, I just need a few days maximum ok?
Boo-bear: Of course love.
ME: Thank you Lou.
*Me has left the conversation*
Boo-bear: I felt something with you when you came.
Boo-bear: IT felt like love
Boo-bear: It can't be though.
Boo-bear: Want to know why?
Boo-bear: Because my old true love took it. Sucked it out of the world. Wrote on it and threw it out like paper.
Boo-bear: I'm to crumpled to be recycled
Boo-bear: Mel please recycle me?

A/n ITS SO SAD ;( I haven't had good ideas with it, but I'm trying! I love you all! Pleas vote, recommend and read my other stories please?

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