Bye ;(

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Louis pov-
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Was the first thing I heard when I woke up. I shot out of my place on the floor like a bullet tearing through air. My eyes start to adjust to the light and I see all the boys, but Zayn looking in the wall that was a full mirror. I walk over to them gasping in fake surprise. I realize Mel isn't in her sleeping bag. I shrug maybe she's in the bathroom or something. All our eyes move to Harry in glares or mines a fake glare but you get it. Harry's eyes look at us, in panic. "What?!" He shouts his fuse shortening. "What do you think?! You did this to us!" They all shout. Harry points to Niall "You took my cats fur off and threw it in the garbage!" He accuses Niall. "What no I didn't you took all the food! Except the expired stuff! And Uncle Si said no more expired food for me." Niall pouts. The next thing I know all of them are pointing fingers at each other and  shouting accusations. I walk into the kitchen with a smirk. I feel a vibrate from inside my pocket, taking out my phone I open the message.

ME: I'm so sorry Louis, but I had to go home. You guys are so amazing and I feel closer with you and them then with anyone else I've ever met. Love you 😘

I close my phone and mope back to the living room. Soon as they see my THEY stop arguing. "Lou what's wrong?" Liam asks. I shrug my shoulders "Mel left had to go back home..." I whisper sadly. "Awwweeee" they all say in unison. I just ignore them and stalk back to my bedroom and spend the day with my face in my pillows.

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