Chapter Four

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I haven't written is so long, its crazy!  I don't even remember what happened last! But i saw i got one hundred and something reads! Thanks so much! 

Austin's POV

"What should I do, Alex? Tell her I like her or just you know, be stuck in the friendzone forever?"

Me and Alex have been talking for 2 hours on the phone. He usually comes over but tonight my mom didn't want anybody to come over. She liked having "Family Time", which was usually just her cooking dinner and us eating it and then we watch whatevers on TV that night.

"Austin, you are not going to be in friend zone forever. And why are you worrying about this? You never worry about girls or relationships."

"I know." I told him. "It's just Kendall is just so special and perfect that I dont want to screw up, tell her i like her and She ends up like you or something."

"One, that's not gonna happen because her best friend is my girlfriend." Alex said.

"Two, that's the worst that can happen, her telling you that she doesnt like you back. It will be fine, Austin. Honestly."

I had to think about what he said for a second. Alex was right, she says no and I go on with life. Its not like I'm gonna blow up into little pieces or something.

"Your right, I'm gonna tell her. Things are going great, we are flirting with each other. I'm just gonna do it." 

"Why didn't you decide to do it in the first place then? I'm just kidding. Go for it and text me what she says." Alex laughs.

"Thanks bro. And I will. See ya later." I hang up the phone and open my conversation with Kendall.

The last text was from Kendall saying that she is taking a shower and she'll text me after she was done.

I should just do it now so then I don't get paranoid because I know she is in the shower and can't text back.

I type,  " Kendall, I really like you." and put my phone down to go get ready for bed.

I put take off my jeans so I'm just in my boxers and I find an old School tshirt that was from last year.  I walk into the bathroom to wash my face and do stuff like that.

I come back into the room and check my phone just to see if Kendall has said anything.

It says: Read at 11:31

I look at the time and its 11:32.

And then three little dots pop up on the screen, telling me that she is texting back. I'm so nervous and I don't even know why. It's just one word, why am I worrying?

Kendall's text pops up on the screen, finally.

"Good, cause I didn't want to be the first one to admit it ;)"

I almost break my leg jumping off my bed. I'm smiling so much and I know that I have a huugge crush on her.

" haha good. then you get to hang out with me on Saturday!! :)" I text her back.

"Austin, why not Friday? I want to hang out with you asap, duh. :p" Geez, Kendall is a speed texter. She responded like two seconds after I did.

"I've got stuff to do on Friday. But I promise you, your saturday will be the best saturday you have had in a while. :)"

If I didn't metion this before, I kinda have a YouTube channel that I post covers of songs on it. Alex caught me one day singing and he told me that I was really good and I should put up a cover of Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney. I believed him so I did. And I guess thousands of viewers think I'm really good too. So, every Friday I do a Ustream to interact with my fans. And I can't let them down.

"Okay, I understand. lol And it better be, Mahone. Or I want a re-do :)"

Kendall texted me back.

" It will! Don't worry! ;) I'm gonna go to bed, your making me tired." I told her.

" Pssh, please. Your the one making me tired. hahaha Nighttt :)"

I plugged my charger into my phone and turned on my alarm. Hopefully Saturday comes fast because its only Wednesday and I want to hang out with her now.

~~Yaaass! Chapter Four is up! Thank you guys so much for 676 reads! That's amazing! Even though its not 1,000 or a bigger number, its huge in my mind. 5 votes or higher and the next chapter will be up! I promise :)

Twitter: @thatameezykid ~~

Now That I Found You- Austin Mahone FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang