Chapter 25

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~ so this is the last chapter! Thank you guys for 3K views throughout this journey. Even though it took 50 years for me to finish writing, I'm happy how it turned out. So I'm gonna leave a little surprise at the end of this chapter 😋 enjoyyyy 💋~

Three Years Later, Austin's POV

Today is the three year anniversary of Kendall's death. Yes, she really did die. A drunk driver hit her while she was coming home from Lily's and took her life. After I got the call from Adam, my heartbroke and I never have been the same. I went into a deep depression where I had to take pills, go to therapists and all that shit. I figured out that writing songs was my only escape. I wrote of my songs, All I Ever Need, about Kendall. Her funeral was the worst thing I've ever done. People that never talked to her or ever liked her came to her funeral looking so sad and heartbroken, like one of their best friends died. It wasn't an open casket because her body was so destroyed. I just wanted to see her body once that time, but I couldn't. Her mom asked me to speak at the funeral but I chose to sing Paradise instead, exactly how she wanted it to go. After the funeral and the following two years changed me so much. I chose using girls for sex and abusing alcohol and drugs, trying to fill the hole inside of me that was torn out when Kendall died. I dated only two girls during that time, a girl that I met at a Chris Brown concert and my most recent Camila Cabello from Fifth Harmony. I broke up with both because they weren't Kendall. They both didn't understand why I still loved Kendall after 3 years and got mad at me because I never thought of them like I did her. My mom was so helpful and understanding during this time because she went through the same feelings when my Dad took his life. I thought about suicide a couple times but I couldn't do that to myself like Kendall tried too. It was a hard and troubling time and I'm slowing going through. My mahomies and music helped major, they understood why I was so depressed and always took care of me. I was so blessed even if I didn't know I was. Since today was the three year anniversary, my mom and I decided to fly out to her grave and lay out flowers. We arrived to the graveyard and walked to her gravestone. I stood in front of it and I couldn't control my tears. All my mom did was stand behind me and rubbed my back. We stood and stared for a long time until my mom told me she was going back to the car. I told her I would be back there in about 20 minutes and she walked away. I leaned down to touch her stone, feeling the letters of her name and the little quote her mom put on it, "11:11." I couldn't stop crying and I felt like my heart was torn out of me. "Kendall, please listen to me if you can hear me somewhere, please. I love you and I never stopped loving you. All those girls that I used never meant anything to me, I hope you know that. I was just trying to feel what we had before. But I couldn't find it. I just couldn't. I really meant it when I said you were my 11:11 wish, and that will never change ever. I never gave you a proper goodbye and I can't believe I left you. None of this would have happened if I would have moved to Miami. But I mean, everything happens for a reason princess. I hope you are looking down at me right now, and that you're proud of me. Because right now, right now I'm not proud of myself. I just need to hear your voice one last time. One last time of you telling me that you are and that you love me. That's all I need and what I probably won't get." I looked over at my mom in my car and she nodded indicating that we should leave soon. "I love you so much, Kendall. Nothing is the same after you left us. I found you and then I lost you. I can't believe that happened so fast. I love you so much, Kendall. And I'll see you soon, princess." I kissed the gravestone and walked away.

~And that concludes, Now That I Found You. Thank you guys so so much for reading, it really means a lot. And the surprise is... Get ready for a new story January 5th, so this coming Monday. I'm going to do a better job of updating every Sunday and if I don't I might reach out to you guys to help me write. So if you want to help, please DM me! 😋 so cheers to Now That I Found You being done 🍷😘💖

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