Vincent simply stared, in a trance as he watched the crimson liquid leak from the dull teeth inside the bear's jaws and into the golden fur on it's stomach, reminding him of the dark color of his mother's hair. Quickly, his eyes dropped to look at the teen on his knees below the stage, parents and other children running past the boy with no intent to comfort or grab him.

He was alone....just like Vincent.

With shaky steps, Vincent walked towards the boy, putting a hand on his shoulder as he crouched down in the growing pool of blood. Next thing he knows arms are wrapped around his waist and nerve wracking sobs were being yelled into his chest, purple button up shirt becoming soaked with tears.

And for the first time since his mother's death, Vincent cried, both boy's were now alone in the world, no family left, no friends left, and nobody to comfort them except for each other.

Before the paramedics started rolling in, Vincent heard the boy utter five bone chilling words that sounded more like a statement than a promise.

"I'll put you back together...".

After that the boys were tooken away by paramedics, never to see one another again, the boss told Vincent that the child was alive, but entirely dependent on life support as he was in a coma.

His new job was at a pizzeria that the boss opened up at record time, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, Vincent was just about to turn 19 at the time. This job was not as good as the other...he did something stupid between the age of 19 and 20, something gruesome that he felt was the right thing to do.

The children were telling him how sad they were, and some twisted voice in his mind was telling him to rid them of their pain. So he did, which is the reason yet another Fazbear establishment was shut down and a similar one was built while he was in his 20's.

This one was a huge boom in child entertainment, more attractions were introduced in the form of an arcade, and more 'Child friendly' animatronics were promised to the consumers. Vincent gained some friends over time, however, he was never close to them, they just seemed like lost causes to him.

Then, one day, when he was 21 and convinced he would live the rest of his life surrounded by snotty children and greasy pizza, a girl walked in. Vincent wasn't one to believe in love at first sight, but at that moment he melted, all troubles leaving his mind as kind eyes pierced his gaze.

A friendly smile and simple wave was all it took to turn his life around for the best. So that brings Vincent's life to the present. After many years of torture, scarring events, and sleepless nights, Vincent was happy.

He couldn't recall the last time he had smiled so much his cheeks hurt, or laughed so much that his head whirled and his stomach ached. Butterflies were an understatement when he was around her, it was more like a hive of wasps desperately trying to escape from his stomach.

At the utter of her name he immediately smiled and his attitude took a turn for the best. Its hard to believe this girl could make a troubled and stone cold man fall to his knees in an instant.

All these thought swarmed in Vincent's head as he bolted up quickly, breathing heavily as he was once again, staring into the darkness.

However, it wasn't his home he was in this time, no, he was staring into the darkness of another home. Strange enough, the usual cold bed was not cold, it was warm, and had an enticing smell to it. Looking down, Vincent eyed the girl responsible for his happiness, her sleeping form underneath the covers in which he laid.

Suddenly, his breathing calmed and he took one last look into the darkness before turning his head and laying down. His arms wrapped around his bundle of happiness as he pulled the girl closer, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair as he sighed happily.

The sweet release of sleep took hold, an unfamiliar feeling to the purple haired man, it was calming and he enjoyed it. However, before he slid his eyes closed and let sleep drag him into its depths, he felt the need to express his gratitude.

"Hey" Vincent murmured, hoping she wasn't asleep yet, he was greeted with a sleepy yawn in response.

"Thank you for coming into my life" he whispered, pulling her closer to his chest as she gave a sleepy giggle.

"You say this every night, Vincent, we've been married for three years now" she answered, turning her body to face Vincent, a smile on her lips. He only chuckled, tilting her head up with a thumb and planting a sweet kiss on her lips.

"I love you" she whispered, curling onto his chest with a smile evident in the dark room.

"I love you too, Y/N"

*sips tea* needs more exotic butters and casual bongos

Sorry for the kinda angsty (teen) intense backstory, and to the people wondering why I use the name Vincent and not William Afton, its because I started writing this before I read Silver Eyes and the Sister Location game came out, so I'm just sticking with it, Vincent is simply a fanmade name adopted by artists and writers for Purple Guy before Scott Cawthorn came out with his actual canon name, sorry if I caused any confusion with new fandom members or ones that have never heard of the name before....anyway I hope you enjoyed the sappy chapter I made, if you need me I'll be sulking in the darkness as Monday comes around the corner and drags me into the pits of hell known as school.

Vincent x Reader (Cute New Night Guard)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora