Chapter 6

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After I told Myung that I'm going to move out, Tae and I brought my few things into his apartment. Like I assumed Myung hasn't cared about me moving at all. Somehow it's a relief. And another relief is that I don't have many things that we had to take out of Myung's apartment. After getting back to Tae's home, we bring my things to the free room he has. „Why don't you have more things?", Taehyung asks as we put all my things in place. „I wasn't at home at all so I never needed anything. So I don't have much things." „I see. Hm, I'm hungry, what about you?" „Me too", I say and that isn't a lie at all, because ever since I had started to have emotions I feel everything a normal human does. I fell hungry, tired, bored and so on. I still don't know why but I'll try to get used to it, like Tae said. I hope it will get better. Tae rips me out of my thoughts by snapping his fingers in front of my face. „What?", I ask confused and earn a laugh from him. „I asked what you want to eat." He looks at me expectedly but I just shrug my shoulders and say: „Anything is fine, as long as it is tasty." I smile at him and Tae starts to think. „How about pizza?", he asks and looks at me with sparkling eyes. I nod with a slight chuckle. How can he be soo happy and excitedat the thought of food? Suddenly he runs out of the room and comes back with a phone and a menu card. „Pick anything you think you could like", he says and I chuckle at the words he chose and look at the card. „What do you usually pick, Tae?", I ask not knowing what to pick. „Pizza with salami is my favourite", he answers and I nod before looking at him. „I'll choose the same." „Alright. Give me a minute I call them and order it." I nod and follow him out to the living room, where he makes the phone call. While he makes the call I look around his living room more, since I never had time to do so. He has a few photos on the walls, where there are him and a girl on them. As I take a closer look at them, the girl looks a lot like me, only the eyes are not as light as mine, but from the rest of her appearance she could be my twin. After some time Tae comes to my side and looks at the photo himself. „Who is she?" „She's my best friend but she's in a coma right now. She had a bad accident. I think I moved here because she had to come to the hospital in this city. I wanted to visit her but because of her condition I can't." „Oh, I'm sorry", I answer in a whisper, feeling slightly uncomfortable because I asked about her. „Don't be, it's not your fault is it?", Tae says and laughs but I keep quiet. How can he laugh about it so easily? Isn't he sad? „Aren't you sad?", I ask confused to which Tae stops laughing immediately. „Of course I am. But what would it bring to be sad all the time? Of course I hope she will get better soon but that doesn't mean I have to be sad because of her, right?" I slowly nod and keep quiet. „Don't think about it so hard, ok, Mina? Let's watch a movie." „Ok", I whisper and sit down on his couch while he chooses a movie. While we watch it the pizza arrives. Tae stops the film and goes to get the food. Meanwhile I get some plates, forks and knifes and bring them to the living room where I place them on the table. Taehyung comes back just seconds after and puts the cartons on the table as well. „Oh, you brought the cutlery, thanks." He smiles at me and unpacks the food and serving it on the two plates. The pizzas smell very good and I can't wait to taste it. After Tae gives me my plate and continues the movie I bite into the food. And yet again, I sigh in pleasure because it's too tasty. I wonder if I just think it's so tasty because I never ate anything before. Tae and I continue eating while watching the movie. After the movie ends, I yawn and look at the time which shows taht it is a little bit past 9:40 pm. „Tae, I'm going to sleep, ok?", I speak up and get his attention. „Already? It's quite early to go to bed." „I always go to bed early because I get up at an early hour too." „Because of your work?", he asks and I simply nod. „Ok, I'll go to bed then too." I nod once more and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that I say good night to Taehyung with a hug and go to sleep. I listen to Tae's footsteps that go from the bathroom to his bedroom. I feel much safer now, that I live with him. I feel happier, more wanted. I'm so glad that I met him. And with that, I drift into a deep sleep.

„And? How is it working out?" „Great, she is almost a normal girl again." „Perfect. The sooner, the better. I hope that my calculations are right. That she can wake up, when she is a human again." „I hope so too. How much time do I have left?" „You get all the time you need. Don't worry." „Thank you, Jin."

The next morning I awake at my usual time. The words from last night still flying around in my head. „Who are these people?", I mumble to myself while going to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Well at least I try. I never made breakfast, not even when Myung was sick. All I ever did, was warming up soup for him. „So what do people eat for breakfast?", I ask myself as I stand in front of the fridge, looking through it. Tae seems to have a lot of food for some reason. „Maybe I should wait until Tae wakes up, I don't want to waste food", I mumble when I suddenly hear footsteps. I turn around to see Taehyung entering the kitchen. „Good morning", I greet him and smile. „Morning. What are you doing in front of the fridge?" „I wanted to make breakfast but I don't know what people eat for breakfast so I decided to wait for you to wake up", I explain and start to blush out of embarrassment. "Aw, how cute. Come on I'll show you what my favourite breakfast is." He walks towards me, or more like towards the fridge to open it. He looks around for a couple seconds and suddenly pulls out eggs and bacon. I look at the ingredients and wonder what he's going to make. He pulls out a pan and butter. He puts the pan onto the stove and let the butter melt before he puts the eggs into the pan as well. I watch every move he does, trying to memorize everything, so I can make it for him some time. It doesn't take long until he's finished. "That's it?", I ask while looking at him and then at the food. "Yes, that's it. Scrambled eggs and bacon is my favourite. I also drink a glass of orange juice with it." I nod, happy that I now know how to make his favourite breakfast. "Here, say ah", Tae says holding a fork with food in front of my mouth. I obey and open it to taste the food. "It's delicious", I say and smile up at him. "I'm glad you like it." Tae smiles at me with his rectangular smile, which I really like a lot. He puts the food on two separate plates and puts them onto the table. We eat in silence until he asks: "So, what are we going to do today?"

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