Chapter 13

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Mina POV

I'm happy. Ever since Tae and I talked our relationship is better than ever. We do everything together and I enjoy every minute. Lately I think my feelings for him started changing. What once was a normal friendship is beginning to form into something different, that I don't know. We have become pretty close and every time our eyes connect for too long my heart begins pounding rapidly and I could get lost in them. I like to watch him while doing something, doesn't matter what. I haven't told him yet because I'm scared of his reaction and because I don't know what this feeling is. We're watching a movie right now and while I'm lost in my thoughts again, he seems concentrated on the movie. I start watching him again, studying every feature of his face. He is so beautiful he seems unreal. I sigh dreamily, getting Tae's attention unintentionally. I look away immediately, blushing like hell. He caught me staring again, how embarrassing. "Don't you want to watch the movie? I think it's more interesting than watching me", he says smirking audibly. "Stop it", I whisper almost inaudible, making him chuckle. Okay that's it. I need to leave right now. Without saying another word, I stand up and rush to the bathroom, locking the door after entering. I lean against the door trying to calm down without success. I hear his steps, coming my direction and panic even more. What should I say to make him go away?! I burry my face in my palms out of frustration and groan. The sudden knocking on the door makes me flinch and look up. "Mina? Is everything ok? I'm sorry if my comment made you feel uneasy", Tae says concerned, sounding muffled through the door. "Everything is fine", I shriek, wanting to slap my face. As if he's going to believe me when I sound like that. I groan again, still trying to calm myself down. Still no success, but what do you expect, when Tae is right behind that door? "Are you sure?", he asks again, obviously doubting my words as expected. "Yes, yes. I'll be right back", I try reassuring him, hoping it will work. Silence. He's not gone, I haven't heard steps. "Tell me what's wrong when you come back", he demands before his footsteps are heard, leaving me alone, panicking to the fullest potential. "What am I supposed to tell him? Sorry, I stared at you and got embarrassed because you caught me staring?! Who am I kidding? I can't say that! But what else? Damn it!", I curse in a whisper so Tae wouldn't hear me. Soon enough I leave the room and walk back to the living room. I decided to tell him the truth because I found no other excuse. Still feeling ashamed I sit back down next to Tae, trying to avoid making eye contact. I stay silent for some more time, feeling his eyes on me. "What's wrong?", he says in a demanding tone to which I look at him. "Sorry", I start smiling shyly, "I was staring at you and was totally embarrassed when you caught me. That's why I was running away." I look away again, waiting for him to laugh but nothing happens. I feel his hand on my shoulder and look back up at him. His smile is so gentle, making me smile automatically. "So, you were staring again? You keep doing that a lot lately, don't you think? Why is that?", Tae breaks the silence, eyes full of curiosity. I start blushing again because now I know that he knows. How embarrassing. "W-well, I don't know. I like how you look and the different faces you make when you do something. I think it's out of interest..." "I think that's partially a lie", Tae says smirking, worsening the red color on my face. "Why do you think that?", I ask unsure what answer to expect. The smirk fades to a gentle smile again as he says: "I think you recognized as well that our relationship is changing. Why do you think is that?" He scoots closer to me, trying to make eye contact but I look away. "I don't know?", I say but it sounds more like a question, making Tae chuckle lightly. "But you recognized the changes, right?" I nod and turn my face back to him. "I just don't know what these changes mean. I don't know this feeling." "What do you feel when I'm with you? Or when you watch me from afar? Tell me", Tae demands gently, making me gulp. A moment of silence consumes us leaving me with my thoughts running wild and heart pounding rapidly. "I... um... well... Every time our eyes lock, I get lost in them and my heart beats so fast I'm scared it will jump out of my chest. Every time I'm with you I'm happy. I really like you a lot and like I said you are extremely handsome. But even though I feel all that I can't put my finger on it, what it means." I end my speech fumbling with my fingers, not daring to look at him. "You want to know what I think?", Tae speaks up pulling my face towards him with his fingers on my chin. He looks me straight in the eyes. He's so close I'm afraid he will hear my heartbeat. I try to look away but no matter how often I try my eyes always find their way back to his. "I think you're falling in love", he answers his own question in a whisper, never breaking eye contact. I feel shivers running down my spine when he says: "And I'm sure that I am as well." I don't know what to think, staring in his beautiful brown eyes. I feel his breath on my skin, leaving a tingling feeling. My whole body feels numb, I can't move and I'm afraid that if I do the whole moment is gone. I want to feel his lips on mine, but I can't move. I look at him, trying to signal him what I want but don't know how to do that. I glimpse at his lips, turning red again, and back at his eyes. "What is it that you want?", he asks teasingly while leaning closer to me, obviously knowing what I want. A whine escapes my lips before I say: "I want to feel your lips on mine..." "So, you want me to kiss you, right?" A teasing grin lies on his lips, making me groan out of frustration while nodding. "Say it." I stare in his eyes with disbelieve. How can he be so teasing? "Tae, kiss me, please", I say, making him smile brightly in return before leaning in a little more. "Anything you want", he whispers before our lips connect. It feels like the world stopped spinning for a moment. I feel sparks flying and my heart is pounding like crazy. Too soon Tae moves back smiling at me, but I see a glint of sadness in his eyes. "What's wrong?", I ask worried, but he says: "Nothing, how do you feel?" "I'm happy. My heart is pounding so fast and a tingling feeling is in my stomach. I feel lightheaded." "So, my theory is proven right. I feel the same, so we are both in love", Tae says smiling his adorable boxy smile. "So, what does that mean now?", I ask and he answers with another question: "Wanna be my girlfriend?" "Yes!"

Taehyung POV

After the kiss I couldn't help but feel sad. My hopes were so high and now crushed to pieces. What do I have to do to make her wake up? I'm so desperate right now and I think she saw a glint of my sadness. I don't know what to do anymore. After going to bed, I broke into tears. I need to talk to Jin. He said that maybe the kiss will work but if not, he has another idea. I disconnect from the Dreamer feeling tired and weak. I sit up and look the side where Mina's hospital bed is standing. Seeing her like this always gives me a heartache. Her body lies lifeless on the bed. Her whole body still covered in bandages from the accident, even though it must have been six months now that it happened. When the doctor confirmed that she was indeed dreaming while being in a coma Jin suggested that I should try to wake her up inside that dream. Turns out harder than expected. I rip my gaze away from her and turn around to see Jin at his desk, looking through some files. "You're back. I'm glad you didn't wait for a whole week again", Jin says sarcastically, looking up to look at me. "I said I was sorry", I answer in frustration, "It didn't work." "You kissed her already? Have you watched out for all the points I pointed out?" A simple nod makes Jin sigh. "What else can I do? You said you have another idea last time I was here", I demand to know desperately but Jin hesitates. I see him biting his lip while being deep in his thoughts. "Yeah, I said that I have another idea. But it's risky because of your current condition. And when that also doesn't work, I'm afraid I'm out of ideas." "Tell me!" My desperation brings me to the verge of tears again. "No", Jin simply says, being all serious. "Why?!" I almost scream out of anger. "All I want is for her to wake up, to be here with me again, so why?" Jin sighs and says: "As I said, it's too risky because of your condition. You're too weak. You look like you've been in a coma as well. I will tell you, when you come to me every day. Taking care of your body and mental stability. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that you will wake up again." I gulp heavily. When he says it like that it sounds as if I could die when I try it now. "Ok, I do as you say. How long do you think it will take my body to regenerate?" "At least a month, I think. You come here so irregularly and so your body and everything is very weak. Maybe when you work hard you get in shape earlier but for now, I give you a month." I sigh but nod in agreement. He's a doctor, he must know what he's talking about. "Ok, then let's start with the selfcare", I say confidently looking at Jin. He nods and says: "For the beginning let's get you some real food, shall we?" I nod and try to stand up, but my legs feel numb. I glance at him shocked, but he doesn't seem worried. "Give it a moment. Your brain needs to reconnect to your body to the fullest. If you were coming here daily like I told you, you wouldn't have that sort of problem now. Just wait one more moment while trying to move all your body parts." I nod while trying to move everything. Now I understand what Jin was talking about before. My condition is really bad. Of course, he is anxious that I could die. I promise myself to come back every time it's night in her dream. I start to feel my body again and am finally able to stand up, but still a little shaky. "Let's go", Jin says while holding my arm lightly, so I won't fall. I have a long way to go, before I get back into my normal shape.

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